Sunday, May 24, 2015

First Look at Olivia Munn's Purple Hair

The first unofficial look at Olivia Munn’s ‘Psylocke’ & her purple hair for “X-Men: Apocalypse” via Le Journal De Montreal, Photographer: Melissa Paradis.


  1. this is fucking wack!Its just a few purple streaks, just like Blink in the previous film. I am satisfied that there is some purple in there. butt lets be honest. It would look soo.... good if it was all purple. Just like in "Kill Matsu'o" drawn by Harvey Tolibao

  2. The hair in any of the xmen movies has always been tragic, I'm not getting my hopes up.

  3. Oh, come on, it's not that bad. I kinda like it, to be honest, the way the hair is tied makes me even think of Betsy right when she joined the X-Men. Plus, who knows, maybe she's still dying her hair.

    Anyway, has anyone here read Masters of Kung Fu #1? I haven't, but apparently the head of the Hand there is female, somehow related to the X-Men and is a skilled fighter. She's cloaked, but it seems that it could be Psylocke, couldn't it? I guess I should look for some scans of it and see if there's any visual indication that it could be her...

  4. Nevermind, I just saw a scan of the pages showing the Red Hand in Master of Kung Fu #1, and its leader is definitely Elektra (I mean, her name is Red Sai... her default color and her default weapon).

    However, she's surrounded by ninjas, one of which is definitely Nightcrawler (blue skin, apparent teleportation powers) - and this may indicate that the others are also mutants. And one of the ninjas seems to be a female and has a katana in her back, so it's possible that Psylocke is working for Elektra in this series.

  5. FSaker,
    Now that you say that, it does sort of look like the bouffant hairstyle that she had back in the day. Though, it would need to be bigger, and longer in the back.
