Marvel Universe
BETSY BRADDOCK Childhood Excalibur Annual #2 (1994) | BETSY BRADDOCK Schoolgirl Uncanny X-Men [vol. 1] #256 (1989) | BETSY BRADDOCK Charter Pilot Captain Britain [vol. 1] #8 (1976) |
BETSY BRADDOCK S.T.R.I.K.E. Agent The Daredevils #3 (1983) | CAPTAIN BRITAIN R.C.X. Agent Captain Britain [vol. 2] #13 (1985) | PSYLOCKE Wildways New Mutants Annual #2 (1986) |
PSYLOCKE Mojo’s Slave New Mutants Annual #2 (1986) | PSYLOCKE Spiral’s Pawn New Mutants Annual #2 (1986) | PSYLOCKE Warlock New Mutants Annual #2 (1986) |
PSYLOCKE Mojo's Pawn Uncanny X-Men Annual #10 (1987) | PSYLOCKE X-Men/Mutant Massacre Uncanny X-Men [vol. 1] #213 (1987) | PSYLOCKE Australian Outback #1 Uncanny X-Men [vol. 1] #232 (1988) |
PSYLOCKE Australian Outback #2 (Inferno) Uncanny X-Men [vol. 1] #241 (1988) | PSYLOCKE Australian Outback #3 (Pink) Marvel Super-Heroes [vol. 2] #6 (1991) | PSYLOCKE Ninja Suit #1 (Blue Team) Uncanny X-Men [vol. 1] #256 (1989) |
LADY MANDARIN Acts of Vengeance Uncanny X-Men [vol. 1] #257 (1989) | PSYLOCKE Astral Form #1 Uncanny X-Men [vol. 1] #273 (1990) | PSYLOCKE X-Uniform #1 Uncanny X-Men [vol. 1] #273 (1991) |
PSYLOCKE Ninja Suit #2 (Jacket) X-Men [vol. 2] #18 (1993) | PSYLOCKE Ninja Suit #3 (Coat) X-Men Unlimited [vol. 1] #47 (2003) | PSYLOCKE Phalanx Covenant Cable [vol. 1] #16 (1994) |
PSYLOCKE Astral Form #2 Uncanny X-Men [vol. 1] #324 (1995) | PSYLOCKE Crimson Dawn Uncanny X-Men [vol. 1] #333 (1996) | PSYLOCKE Undercloak Psylocke & Archangel: Crimson Dawn [vol. 1] #4 (1997) |
PSYLOCKE Psi-War X-Men [vol. 2] #78 (1998) | PSYLOCKE Viper's Pawn Wolverine [vol. 2] #125 (1998) | PSYLOCKE Contest of Champions Contest of Champions II #3 (1999) |
PSYLOCKE Lockdown Contest of Champions II #5 (1999) | PSYLOCKE Revolution X-Men [vol. 2] #100 (2000) | PSYLOCKE The Goth’s Prisoner X-Men [vol. 2] #104 (2000) |
PSYLOCKE Excalibur Excalibur [vol. 2] #1 (2001) | PSYLOCKE X-Treme X-Treme X-Men [vol. 1] #1 (2001) | PSYLOCKE X-Uniform #2 (Reload) Uncanny X-Men [vol. 1] #456 (2005) |
PSYLOCKE Astral Form #3 Uncanny X-Men [vol. 1] #456 (2005) | PSYLOCKE Ninja Suit #4 (Reload) Uncanny X-Men [vol. 1] #469 (2006) | PSYLOCKE X-Women X-Women #1 (2010) |
PSYLOCKE Exiles Exiles [vol. 1] #96 (2007) | PSYLOCKE New Exiles New Exiles #1 (2008) | PSYLOCKE Training Suit New Exiles #11 (2008) |
PSYLOCKE Sisterhood Uncanny X-Men [vol. 1] #510 (2009) | PSYLOCKE Ninja Suit #5 (Utopia) Uncanny X-Men [vol. 1] #511 (2009) | PSYLOCKE X-Club Uncanny X-Men [vol. 1] #512 (2009) |
PSYLOCKE Utopia Uncanny X-Men [vol. 1] #514 (2009) | PSYLOCKE Uncanny X-Force Wolverine: Road To Hell #1 (2010) | PSYLOCKE Space Suit Uncanny X-Force [vol. 1] #2 (2010) |
PSYLOCKE Dark Angel Saga Uncanny X-Force [vol. 1] #14 (2011) | DEATH Horseman of Apocalypse Uncanny X-Force [vol. 1] #17 (2011) | LADY BRITON Otherworld Uncanny X-Force [vol. 1] #20 (2012) |
PSYLOCKE Danger Uncanny X-Men [vol. 2] #16 (2012) | PSYLOCKE Astral Form #4 Uncanny X-Force [vol. 1] #33 (2012) | PSYLOCKE Marvel NOW Uncanny X-Force [vol. 2] #1 (2013) |
PSYLOCKE Astral Form #5 Uncanny X-Force [vol. 2] #3 (2013) | PSYLOCKE Fantomex Uncanny X-Force [vol. 2] #7 (2013) | PSYLOCKE X-Force X-Force [vol. 4] #1 (2014) |
PSYLOCKE Danger Room X-Men [vol. 4] #13 (2014) | PSYLOCKE All-New All-Different Marvel Uncanny X-Men [vol. 4] #1 (2016) | PSYLOCKE RessurXion #1 (Coat) Astonishing X-Men [vol. 4] #1 (2017) |
PSYLOCKE RessurXion #2 Astonishing X-Men [vol. 4] #1 (2017) | PSYLOCKE Mystery in Madripoor Hunt For Wolverine: Mystery in Madripoor [vol. 1] #1 (2018) | PSYLOCKE Disassembled #1 Hunt For Wolverine: Mystery in Madripoor [vol. 1] #4 (2018) |
PSYLOCKE Disassembled #2 Uncanny X-Men [vol. 5] #2 (2018) | CAPTAIN BRITAIN Dawn of X Excalibur [vol. 4] #1 (2019) | CAPTAIN BRITAIN Otherworld Excalibur [vol. 4] #2 (2019) |
CAPTAIN BRITAIN Multiverse Excalibur [vol. 4] #17 (2021) | CAPTAIN BRITAIN Hellfire Gala Excalibur [vol. 4] #21 (2021) | CAPTAIN BRITAIN Sevalith Excalibur [vol. 4] #24 (2021) |
CAPTAIN BRITAIN Knights of X #1 (Cloak) Knights of X [vol. 1] #1 (2022) | CAPTAIN BRITAIN Knights of X #2 Knights of X [vol. 1] #1 (2022) | CAPTAIN BRITAIN From the Ashes X-Force [vol. 7] #1 (2024) |
Unused Designs
CAPTAIN BRITAIN Design by Alan Davis Marvel UK (1985) | PSYLOCKE Design by Arthur Adams Australian Outback (1987) | PSYLOCKE Design by Arthur Adams Australian Outback (1987) |
LADY MANDARIN Design by Jim Lee Acts of Vengeance (1988) | LADY MANDARIN Design by Jim Lee Acts of Vengeance (1988) | PSYLOCKE Design by Salvador Larroca X-Treme X-Men (2002) |
PSYLOCKE Design by Kris Anka Marvel NOW (2012) | PSYLOCKE Design by Kris Anka Marvel NOW (2012) | PSYLOCKE Design by Kris Anka Marvel NOW (2012) |
PSYLOCKE Design by Kris Anka Marvel NOW (2012) | PSYLOCKE Design by Rock-He Kim All-New Marvel NOW (2013) | PSYLOCKE Design by Mahmud Asrar Disassembled (2018) |
CAPTAIN BRITAIN Design by Marcus To Dawn of X (2019) | CAPTAIN BRITAIN Design by Basco Georgiev Destiny of X (2022) | CAPTAIN BRITAIN Design by Marcus To From the Ashes (2024) |
Ultimate Universe
COL. BETSY BRADDOCK Ultimate Universe Earth-1610 Ultimate X-Men #17 (2002) | PSYLOCKE Ultimate Universe Earth-1610 Ultimate X-Men #84 (2007) | PSYLOCKE (Impostor) Ultimate Universe Earth-1610 Ultimate Comics X-Men #17 (2012) |
Alternative Versions
PSYLOCKE Horde’s Illusion Earth Unknown Uncanny X-Men Annual #11 (1987) | PSYLOCKE X-Animals Mojoworld Uncanny X-Men Annual #12 (1988) | PSYCHILDE X-Babies Mojoworld Uncanny X-Men Annual #12 (1988) |
PSYLOCKE Reaver Earth Unknown Uncanny X-Men [vol. 1] #251 (1989) | BETSY BRADDOCK The Hand’s Illusion Earth Unknown Uncanny X-Men [vol. 1] #256 (1989) | BETSY BRADDOCK The Hand’s Illusion Earth Unknown Uncanny X-Men [vol. 1] #256 (1989) |
BETSY BRADDOCK The Hand’s Illusion Earth Unknown Uncanny X-Men [vol. 1] #256 (1989) | PSYLOCKE Weird War III Earth-597 Excalibur: Weird War III #1 (1990) | CAPTAIN BRITAIN Captain Britain Corps Earth Unknown Excalibur [vol. 1] 44 (1991) |
PSYLOCKE Days of Future Tense Earth-9620 Excalibur [vol. 1] #94 (1996) | KOKORO Amalgam Universe Earth-9602 Magneto & The Magnetic Men #1 (1996) | PSI-GIRL 2099 Prechronal Collapse Earth-97061 Spider-Boy Team-Up #1 (1997) |
PSI-GIRL 2099 Postchronal Collapse Earth-12772 Spider-Boy Team-Up #1 (1997) | RED QUEEN Days of Future Past Earth-811 Wolverine: Days of Future Past #1 (1997) | PSYCHILDE X-Babies Mojoworld X-Babies Reborn #1 (2000) |
PSYLOCKE Movie Adaptation Earth Unknown X-Men The Movie Special Edition (2000) | PSYLOCKE Earth X Earth-9997 Universe X #2 (2000) | PSYLOCKE Mini-Marvels Earth-99062 Giant Size Mini-Marvels: Starring Spidey #1 (2001) |
PSYLOCKE The Bladeless Sword Earth-3933 X-Men: Millennial Visions #2001 (2002) | PSYLOCKE Mangaverse Earth-2301 X-Men: Ronin #5 (2003) | PSYLOCKE Nocturne's Reality Earth-2182 Exiles [vol. 1] #42 (2004) |
PSYLOCKE Age of Apocalypse Earth-295 X-Men: Age of Apocalypse #4 (2005) | PSYLOCKE The End Earth-41001 X-Men: The End - Book Two #2 (2005) | PSYLOCKE Executive Action Committee Earth-59222 Uncanny X-Men [vol. 1] #462 (2005) |
BETSY BRADDOCK Gladiator Earth Unknown Uncanny X-Men [vol. 1] #462 (2005) | BETSY BRADDOCK Graduate Earth Unknown Uncanny X-Men [vol. 1] #462 (2005) | BETSY BRADDOCK Punk Earth Unknown Uncanny X-Men [vol. 1] #462 (2005) |
BETSY BRADDOCK Royal Princess Earth Unknown Uncanny X-Men [vol. 1] #462 (2005) | PSYLOCKE House of M Earth-58163 Uncanny X-Men [vol. 1] #463 (2005) | CAPTAIN BRITAIN What If? X-Men Deadly Genesis Earth-98193 What If? X-Men Deadly Genesis #1 (2006) |
BETSY BRADDOCK Socialite Earth-7794 Exiles [vol. 1] #94 (2007) | LADY MANDARIN The War Day Earth-80827 New Exiles [vol. 1] #7 (2008) | MARVEL GIRL Psylocke’s Dream Earth Unknown New Exiles [vol. 1] #8 (2008) |
BETSY BRADDOCK-CREED Sabretooth’s Wife Earth-80911 New Exiles [vol. 1] #11 (2008) | BETSY BRADDOCK Pilot Earth-89145 New Exiles [vol. 1] #11 (2008) | BETSY BRADDOCK Barbarian Earth-51489 New Exiles [vol. 1] #11 (2008) |
BETSY BRADDOCK Victorian Age Earth-72911 New Exiles [vol. 1] #11 (2008) | PSYLOCKE Sword of the Braddocks Earth Unknown X-Men: Sword of the Braddocks #1 (2009) | PSYLOCKE Adorable X-Babies Mojoworld X-Babies [vol. 1] #3 (2009) |
PSYLOCKE Forever Earth-161 X-Men Forever Annual #1 (2010) | PSYLOCKE Age of X Earth-11326 X-Men: Legacy [vol. 1] #245 (2011) | PSYLOCKE Deathlok Earth-11045 Uncanny X-Force [vol. 1] #6 (2011) |
O-CHIYO BRADDOCK 5 Ronin Earth-11542 5 Ronin #4 (2011) | BETSY BRADDOCK-WORTHINGTON Angel’s Wife Earth-12218 Uncanny X-Force [vol. 1] #18 (2011) | PSYLOCKE Exalted Earth-12245 Astonishing X-Men [vol. 3] #45 (2012) |
MAGISTRATE BRADDOCK Final Execution Earth-12928 Uncanny X-Force [vol. 1] #28 (2012) | PSYLOCKE Revenant The Underworld Uncanny X-Force [vol. 2] #10 (2013) | PSYLOCKE Planet X Earth-13133 Uncanny Avengers [vol. 1] #19 (2014) |
PSYLOCKE All-New X-Men Earth-11437 All-New X-Men [vol. 1] #25 (2014) | CAPTAIN BRITAIN Higher Avalon Earth-81518 Secret Wars [vol. 1] #2 (2015) | PSYLOCKE Limbo Earth-91240 Inferno [vol. 1] #3 (2015) |
PSYLOCKE Marville Earth-71912 Giant-Size Little Marvel: AVX #1 (2015) | PSYLOCKE Westchester Earth-15730 X-Men '92 [vol. 1] #4 (2015) | LADY MANDARIN K'un-Lun Earth-13116 Master of Kung Fu [vol. 2] #3 (2015) |
PSYLOCKE Sentinel Territories Earth-25158 Secret Wars Journal [vol. 1] #4 (2015) | PSYLOCKE Arcadia Earth-16191 A-Force [vol. 1] #5 (2015) | PSYLOCKE Guardians of the Galaxy Earth-18138 Cosmic Ghost Rider [vol. 1] #3 (2018) |
PSYLOCKE .EXE-Men Earth-83124 What If? X-Men [vol. 1] #1 (2018) | CLERK PSYLOCKE Department X Age of X-Man Age of X-Man Alpha [vol. 1] #1 (2019) | CAPTAIN BRITAIN Jamie Braddock's Incursion Earth Unknown Excalibur [vol. 4] #10 (2020) |
CAPTAIN BRITAIN (Male) Captain Britain Corps Earth Unknown Excalibur [vol. 4] #15 (2020) | CAPTAIN AMPHIBIAN Captain Britain Corps Earth-22 Excalibur [vol. 4] #15 (2020) | CAPTAIN BABOON Captain Britain Corps Earth-8101 Excalibur [vol. 4] #15 (2020) |
VIOLET SWAN Captain Britain Corps Earth-8311 Excalibur [vol. 4] #15 (2020) | CAPTAIN CORMELIAN Captain Britain Corps Earth Unknown X of Swords: Destruction #1 (2020) | CAPTAIN BRITAIN (Owl) Captain Britain Corps Earth Unknown Excalibur [vol. 4] #15 (2020) |
CAPTAIN BRITAIN (Fox) Captain Britain Corps Earth Unknown X of Swords: Destruction #1 (2020) | BRITANNICA REX Captain Britain Corps Earth-99476 X of Swords: Destruction #1 (2020) | CAPTAIN PLUMDRAGON Captain Britain Corps Earth-2112 X of Swords: Destruction #1 (2020) |
CAPTAIN BRETLAND Captain Britain Corps Earth-904 Excalibur [vol. 4] #16 (2020) | CAPTAIN BRITAIN Captain Britain Corps Earth Unknown Excalibur [vol. 4] #16 (2020) | CAPTAIN BRITAIN Captain Britain Corps Earth Unknown Excalibur [vol. 4] #16 (2020) |
CAP. BRITAIN, Elspeth Braddock Captain Britain Corps Earth-13059 Excalibur [vol. 4] #19 (2021) | CAP. BRITAIN, Queen Elizabeth III Captain Britain Corps Earth Unknown Excalibur [vol. 4] #19 (2021) | CAPTAIN BRITAIN Captain Britain Corps Earth Unknown Excalibur [vol. 4] #19 (2021) |
AGENT LIZZIE BRADDOCK S.T.R.I.K.E. Earth-76 Captain Carter [vol. 1] #1 (2022) | PSYLOCKE House of XCII Jubilee 10 X-Men '92: House of XCII #1 (2022) | CAPTAIN BRITAIN (Princess) Captain Britain Corps Earth Unknown Knights of X [vol. 1] #1 (2022) |
CAPTAIN BRITAIN (Blacksmith) Captain Britain Corps Earth Unknown Knights of X [vol. 1] #1 (2022) | CAPTAIN PRETANI Captain Britain Corps Earth-5411 Betsy Braddock: Captain Britain #1 (2023) | PSYLOCKE Faraway Moira 5 Dead X-Men [vol.1] #3 (2024) |
Thank you so much for all of them and all the hard work! They all look beautiful. My lovely Psylockes +_+
ReplyDeleteI especially love the Red Queen and Planet X ones!
i'm curious to see what happens to psylocke after secret wars when marvel gets turned upside down!
ReplyDeleteSorry for only commenting on this post, and congratulations for the outstanding work gathering images of Psylocke with all her different uniforms, and also of all Psylockes from alternate Earths.
ReplyDeleteSeeing O-Chiyo Braddock, from 5 Ronin, I remembered that one of the Battleworld "nations" in Secret Wars is called The Far East - and, so far, Marvel didn't show what event, story arc or miniseries it is representing. Wouldn't it be great if this "nation" was the 5 Ronin one?
Unfortunately, it is unlikely, considering that the 5 Ronin miniseries wasn't very well received (both sales-wise and critics-wise). But really, it would be great to see O-Chiyo and the 5 Ronin versions of Wolverine, Punisher, Hulk and Deadpool. Plus, even though a lot of people said this miniseries was bad, I really enjoyed it (which is a surprise, considering how bad Milligan wrote the X-Men in the Reload era - although he also did write the excellent X-Statix series, so I guess a writer can't be judged by a single book).
Whenever I come across these I'm always blown away by the beauty and work that went into them
ReplyDeleteMiss a costume. From Uncanny X-Men #6 2016
ReplyDeletePerfect but u Miss a costume. From Uncanny X-Men #6 2016
ReplyDeleteThese costumes really just emphasize how different Psylocke has become. So much so that she no longer feels like the character we first met in Captain Britain and then the X-Men. Even initially after the Siege Perilous, during Claremont's Acts of Vengeance storyline she still felt like Elizabeth Braddock. Looking at most of these images and depictions, she may as well be a different character just running around with the same name. Not to start up the "body wars," but I cannot be the only one hoping that if she really is going into editorial limbo, it is so Marvel can undo the racist, convoluted mess she has become and return to her roots. And hopefully, they actually use their Asian characters to depict an Asian-American presence. Today's Women's March really coupled with so many of the "dragon lady" images above really drives home how problematic Psylocke's current incarnation is. Now at the height of discussing intersectionality would be a perfect time for Marvel to rectify this mess and even have Betsy in the book's comment on it after returning to her roots.
ReplyDeleteThis gallery is amazing!! Congratulations to the webmasters; this site just keeps getting better and better!
ReplyDeleteLooking at Betsy's AoX incarnation, it occurred to me that AoX should have had its own nation (and tie-in miniseries) in the Secret Wars event. This is probably one of the most underrated X-events ever; the mysteries and revelations were just amazing! Plus, Betsy was awesome in it, being part of the elite team of the fortress.
Plus, this could have led to Revenant (a.k.a. Rachel Grey) confronting the Phoenix (a.k.a. Jean Grey) - it was kinda weird that mutantkind was condemned because of the Phoenix's actions yet no one ever mentioned what happened to Phoenix after the huge destruction she caused...
Just used the Modern X-men uniform image for her new cover foto on Comic Vine.
ReplyDeleteCool! This is very complete. Love the new costumes
ReplyDeleteI really like the cosumes of marvels. I have watched the sho daily which is really nice. I really like the characters in the cartoon.
ReplyDeletewow! amazing work as always. we thank you for all the hard work. i love psylocke.
ReplyDeletenice post!
ReplyDeleteThey voted for Shoretel Support Techs
Wow! this collection is very impressive.
ReplyDeleteNice new additions!!
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ReplyDeleteLots of changes. Nevertheless, Betsy is the constant of Psylocke.
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ReplyDeleteOooh I like those Captain Britain costumes better, the ones with pants instead of that weird skirt think Betsy has now.
ReplyDelete@Psi-Gil, what do you mean? The last Astonishing with Havok/Dazzler/Colossus, etc book ended in 2018.
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ReplyDeleteLast time she had a precog flash was way back when Jim Lee was still on the XMen.
DeleteWe have never seen any mention or reference to her precog powers so I would assume they are gone forever but would definitely be an interesting dynamic for Betsy if she got them back during this era but yet the editors can't find anything interesting to do with her expect make her a bumbling idiot.
I'd really like her precog powers to be brought up like this:
ReplyDeleteAt the end of Charle Soule's Astonishing X-Men run, Xavier suppresses Betsy's precog powers intentionally without her consent and her knowing when they are mind-linking together.
It'd then be explained that Xavier did this because of Moira's no-precogs rule. As Betsy is too much of a high profile X-Men to be kept dead/banned from Krakoa, Xavier had to mess with her powers.
It'd then be explained that Xavier's meddling messed up with Betsy's powers, hence she losing the butterfly effect. Xavier (with Apocalypse's help) would also had been revealed to have manipulated events leading Betsy to become CB only to keep Betsy busy in Otherworld.
Betsy would, of course, realize something's wrong and gather a group of X-Men to challenge Xavier.
Is this Queen Elizabeth III the one whose body was briefly inhabited by Betsy's consciousness after Isca shattered her body? She looks cool! But her body looked younger when Betsy was using it... Bodybuilder Betsy also looks cool, and also the one with the uniform exactly like Brian's used to be - though I'd rather see Betsy with either the "Lady Briton" uniform from Remender's UXF or Kelsey Leigh's Lionheart uniform.
ReplyDeleteMy favorite alternate Betsy in the current Captain Britain Corps, however, is definitely Violet Swan!
As for her precognitive power, it's funny you guys are discussing it, because I was thinking about it these days, too. I was re-reading the X-Men Legacy run with Legion and Blindfold and remembered that she's still dead because Moira doesn't want anyone with precog powers on Krakoa... and then it occurred to me: while Betsy hasn't used this power for decades, she never officially lost it, did she?
ReplyDeleteHas Moira considered that before she allowed Betsy to live on Krakoa? And with Hickman's habit of planting little seeds we think have no meaning until they suddenly blossom months or years later, could this be a sign that the precognitive mutants will eventually return?
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ReplyDeleteShes alive and appeared in Deadpool looking exactly like her movie counterpart no longer rocking the awesome Tim Burton esque original look
DeleteBetsy had so many beautiful costumes still people are stuck with the 90s look.
ReplyDeleteSai should be there with the many visual cues she is based on betsy nor kwannon
ReplyDeleteAlso the golden astral projection from inferno
Her hellfire look from when they both confront shinonbi
Her classif hell fire kink attire from when she met warren
The gown with the classic boob window from she mer sage
The militaristic strike traning attire from the flash back of the same issue
The lacey look from when beats drove her to the airport to visit brian when she first visited him after the body swap
The famous swimsuits : the purple with violet frills and the gold and blue from when se emerges from the lake causing scott to drool
The blue and gold training out fit she impress warren for the first time inviting herself to join him at the hellfire party (their first date)
Her victorian white night gown she used in the bllodstone mannor in excallibur
When warren and betsy confronted shinoni*
DeleteHer outdoors training outfits: all black top an swerpaints from when she stealth ambushed kwannon in her green attire
ReplyDeleteHer blue legging and blue top after the end of greys
Her black longsleeve top and black hotpants she used to keep the o*n*e *sentinels attention away from the mannors
Her space outfit from x-men evoltuion ( amazing full body shot from frist issue)
BOTH OF HER TAS LOOK ( ninja and pink face mask one)
Her Wolverine and TXM gyspsy look and hipchic casual
Her xmen legends outfits
Her avengers alliance 2 ps3 look
Her deadpool game look
Her fortnite look
Her marvel contest of champions look
Both her xmeen movies looks
From x-men revoltuion
DeleteHer ready for sex look she used when she kissed scott
ReplyDeletei’d skip her sexist towel look from russia, but the robe and head towel is recurrent since australian days and we had great bacchalo shots from End of greys.
Also her night body an robe fro australian outback
Never thought I'd say her KoX uni will be missed. Still not a fan of the kettle pot CB.
ReplyDeleteAgent Lizzie! It's so nice to see her added to the gallery!
ReplyDeleteI met Betsy in the X-Force era and fell in love with her character. But I realized that I love Betsy from the moment she returned to her original body and took on the mantle of Captain Britain. As much as I knew her in her best phase as a ninja, I just loved the character for who she is and not what she does. Regardless of what name she has, I just love Betsy!
ReplyDeleteI met Betsy when she was training in the danger room with Warren and she felt danger from Gambit, which was further revealed she had seen in his mind that he had kind of hired the responsibles for the Morlock's mutant massacre in behalf of Sinister. After that I came to the Marvel Super Heroes game where she was/still is incredible!!! I retroactively went through the Blue team but it was when I read her in the australian outback team (I am very fond of the arc they fought Horde) and discovering her warrior essence made her totally have me as a fan for more than three decades. Congratulations for the excellent gallery and for the support to our beloved Elizabeth, who belongs to the X-Men as the clouds belong to the sky.