Friday, September 26, 2014

X-Men: Apocalypse Could Include Psylocke, Cable, & Scarlet Witch In an extended question and answer session with fans, via Yahoo, X-Men: Days of Future Past writer Simon Kinberg hints at certain mutants who may be making appearances in X-Men: Apocalypse. The sometimes British, sometimes Asian, sometimes ninja Psylocke was apparently considered for inclusion in X-Men: Days of Future Past, but may yet appear in Apocalypse.

“She’s a fan favourite, and also a favourite of mine. We have a small part that she plays in ‘Last Stand’, and we talked about including her in ‘DOFP’ quite seriously actually. There was a version of the script she was in and we even auditioned some actors in Montreal. But we didn’t feel there was enough of a part she would play in a movie that was already full of many, many mutants.”

“She has a cool power. I know Bryan thinks she’s a neat character so there’s certainly a chance she’ll be in an ‘X-Men’ movie some day. Hopefully there’ll be a lot of ‘X-Men’ movies and there’s lot of mutants we’re yet to fully explore onscreen, even if they’ve had cameos before. Now we’re making more films there’s a chance to dig deeper.”


  1. Yeeeeeeeeesssss please!!

  2. Hopefully she will be in it. But I won't have high expectations for her inclusion in the film. If she makes it, as long as she doesn't end up being evil and dying (like in Last Stand), I'll be happy even if she only plays a small part in the film.

  3. And I will be ecstatic if she is played by Kate Beckinsale!

  4. @Rahsaan: Yes, I completely agree. That would be the perfect actress for her.

  5. Kate Beckinsale is gorgeous. Not a great actress, but it's not like a superhero movie needs amazing acting skills, so yes, she would be great in this role.

    But it's quite unlikely. If Betsy ever appears in a X-Men movie, she will most likely be a minor character (as the film franchise already has Wolverine, Xavier, Magneto and Mystique as the lead characters, with Storm, Cyclops and Jean Grey right after them), so I guess FOX wouldn't hire a considerably high-profile actress such as Kate to portray her.

    Nevertheless, we can always hope. As you said, she would be a great choice for the role.

  6. I disagree with having Kate Beckinsale for the role. Naturally, all those who would see in the role are pushing for former Betsy. She was fine back in her day, and the outback team was my favorite incarnation of the team, but I am in the camp that finds the current incarnation of Psylocke much more visually interesting. There's a lot more you can do with both her power set and her skill set in her current incarnation.

    The alternative, which I think is better, would be to have both: this is to suggest that we see some characters transformed into horsemen (e.g. Angel into Archangel), and to have old Betsy's transformation into current Betsy explained by way of the Apocalypse process. That way someone like Kate Beckinsale could portray old Betsy.

    That said, I would prefer Betsy to be in a recurring role, and although stunning, Kate Beckinsale is already too old to be in multiple sequels. Someone younger should play the part if British Betsy were in a recurring role. On the other hand, I don't see that as likely or desirable. To have her transform into current Betsy would mean it would be fine to have someone like Kate B in the role.

    Also, I wouldn't assume that her part will be small - they've already hinted at the fact that they didn't want her marginalized in DOFP, and also if it leads into X-Force or a supporting role in Deadpool, then her role is more likely to be substantial.

  7. Brunch,

    You make awesome points, but I do think that former Psylocke would look just as awesome in her new,sleek uniform and with her current powerset (sans the psychic weaponry that I loathe) as the current incarnation.

    In fact, that form would be former Psylocke's dream come true.

    Whether they go white or Asian, they probably should go with an unknown. You're right. I didn't think about the fact that Kate is too old to be the character and have longevity, just like Halle and Famke are too old to play their characters.

  8. Me for once, I don't' care if they go caucasian or asian. i always loved Betsy. My major concern is that she's written well, looks gorgeous, be a good actress to portray her and have her current power set. I mean psychic ninja is just to cool to change it to just a telepath. So if she's in Apocalypse I hope she has good development even if not much screen time. Lust like quicksilver in DOFP. And this leads to her appearing on X-Force, Deadpool and future films. So yeah, a younger actress would fit better for that.

  9. I'm still sticking with Bérénice Marlohe as my choice for big-screen Psylocke. French and Cambodian is close enough to English and Japanese for me.

  10. Brian,

    I just looked up Bérénice Marlohe. She looks absolutely perfect for the role!!!

  11. Glad you agree! To me she's the perfect mix of exotic beauty and intelligence for the role.

  12. Psylocke should be played by Jamie Chung (Sucker punch and Sin City) - best choice in my opinion

  13. CBG,

    Real World San Diego Jamie Chung?? I think Jamie's cute and all, but she doesn't have the presence that Psylocke exudes.

  14. Great comments. I like the idea of Berenice Marlohe, if she and/or her stunt double could convincingly fight onscreen. Interestingly, she looks a lot more Asian without the heavy eye makeup, and I do think that she is best portrayed as an Asian woman. Berenice Marlohe also has that regal presence that is a pretty essential aspect to Psylocke's role. Who was the penciller that said that he liked that Psylocke brought a fusion of Storm and Wolverine? It's that regal quality that she shares with Storm. I think the other important part of that is that Psylocke also needs to be a deadly fighter, which is where the Wolverine comparison kicks in. It would be pretty important for the actor that portrays her to be able to translate both onscreen: the ability to convincingly fight like a ninja, but to do it with a kind of inner beauty that comes with the posture and poise of, say, a dancer. You know how Dita Von Teese's stage performances aren't just about her looks but all the little movements she makes with her neck and hands and ankles that really reflect her days as a young ballet dancer? There's something about that that makes me think it would be an important "trademark" for the way Psylocke moves.

  15. this is what I mean about Dita Von Teese's moves. There's just something really elegant about her tiny little movements that are subtle but really powerful in a way. If you ask me, it's not necessarily as sexual as it is an element of propriety, interestingly enough, and poise:

  16. I'll never understand Why The Women in the movies are always too old, yet it's okay for the males.. Makes no sense to me. Although Beckinsale is a favorite, and if she can still do Underworld films, she's not too old. Jackman is 45, Beckinsale is 41....
    Anyway, my vote goes to Mylène Jampanoï, French and Chinese, and fits the bill for both bodies.

  17. Taziri, Wolvie is supposed to look middle-aged, so Jackman is just right in that regard. His height as a whole foot taller though is problematic. Re: Mylene... Great choice!
