Friday, April 4, 2014

All-New X-Men #25 Preview


  1. Interesting. This looks like a cover but it's actually an interior page of the issue, right? After all, there's a text box in it.

    Anyway, does this picture mean that, if the O5 don't return to their timeline, Psylocke and Iron Man will have a daughter with Stark's armor, Captain Britain's powers and Betsy's psychic powers?

    Apparently, in this timeline Rogue and Magneto have a son (not exactly new), Scarlet Witch and Hawkeye have a daughter, Cyclops and Emma Frost have a son, Wolverine and Jean Grey have a daughter (a really ugly one, by the way), and Colossus has a son with... Strong Guy?? And Captain America having a son with Magik, out of all people?? And poor Dazzler probably becomes the new Professor X (...Professor D? Professor A, perhaps? Professor B?)...

    Silly speculations, sure, since these characters probably won't appear again after this panel. Still, it's a funny way to show how Beast may mess up the continuity by keeping the O5 in the present...

    (Bendis still needs to show the REAL Psylocke in a REAL story in ANXM, though)

  2. Okay, correcting myself: Colossus's son seems to have lightning in his eyes. That, plus the white mohawk, may indicate that his mother would be Storm (Kitty must be so upset... then again, she's the one who dumped him in first place).

    And what I first thought was an aged Dazzler may be a daughter of hers with Longshot (due to the luminous eye and only four fingers in her hand). Maybe Bendis forgot that Alison and Longshot already have a son, Shatterstar (who is simultaneously Longshot's son and father... seriously... I guess I can't blame Bendis or the artist who drew this page for ignoring that).

  3. Hey, has anyone here read this issue? Because apparently it has a good share of Psylocke: besides this panel (looking like a cover) with her daughter with Iron Man, there is also that double-page spread with the X-Men becoming celebrities (that one where she's crouching and holding Nightcrawler's tail), one where she's either dead or unconscious being held by Archangel, and one where she's having a space adventure with Storm.

    Of course, all these pages show possible futures for Betsy and the X-Men, and apparently when Beast brought the O5 from the past, all these futures were erased.
