Thursday, October 31, 2013

Uncanny X-Force #13 Art


  1. Friends - Jeff Wadlow (the guy who is writing the X-Force movie and may direct it) just asked who we'd like to see play our favorite characters in the X-Force movie. If we tweet him and tell him we want Psylocke, hopefully he'll hear us! I personally think Maggie Q would make a great Psylocke. Nikita, anyone? His twitter is @JeffWadlow

  2. I'd prefer Kate Benckinsale. She and Maggie both are beautiful, fit and do well with action. However, Kate is a far better actress in my opinion. And Kate is actually British.

  3. My dream casting of Psylocke would be to have Dichen Lachman (Dollhouse, Being Human) play her. She's got beautiful asian features and a somewhat british accent.

  4. My pick would be Berenice Marlohe from Skyfall. She's French and Chinese, which is kind of like British/Japanese (Kwannon was Japanese, right?)

    Also, she's crazy hot.

  5. Am I the only one who likes Olivia Munn for the part? I mean, I like her, Maggie and Lucy Liu (but who am I kidding, I doubt Lucy would be casted. It would be too expensive).

  6. Ah, so glad others are talking about this! Did anyone tweet Jeff? We need him to know we want Betsy in the movie!

    Rashaan, I think Kate would be a wonderful British all depends on which route they want to go. Dichen is very Kris Anka-drawn Betsy and Berenice is a beauty (though looks a little more British Betsy). I think Olivia Munn would be a gorgeous Betsy but I don't know how well she'd come across as Betsy. I love Maggie because she would KILL solemn, steely and intense X-Force Elizabeth.

  7. To be honest, I'd rather see a completely unknown actress play Betsy. But as long as the actress really incorporates Psylocke, I'm fine with her being whoever she is.

    Sometimes we think an actress or actor is ideal for a certain character because s/he looks like the character, but most of the actual identification in the film comes from the actor's skills, not his or her looks. Kinda like Hugh Jackman, who doesn't look like Wolverine (...well, not with the way Wolverine used to look like) at all, but nowadays everyone associates him with Logan. Or Robert Downey Jr., who didn't necessarily look like Tony Stark but ended up being a perfect fit for the character. Or even better, Chris Evans: he would be the last actor I'd ever consider to play Captain America (since he has a whole background playing comical or playboy-ish characters - remember that infamous "banana split" scene in Not Another Teen Movie??), but he turned out to be much, MUCH better in that role than I would ever expect.

    As long as Psylocke is in the X-Force movie (and the Psylocke from Last Stand is retconned as being someone else), I'm fine with any actress. Maybe even Mei Melançon could reprise the role (only this time playing the REAL Psylocke, not a Morlock lookalike).

  8. I've been really impressed with Jamie Chung on Once Upon A Time so I tweeted both her and Jeff for Psylocke.

  9. FSaker,

    An unknown might be better. I still wish they'd gone with an unknown for Storm as Halle Berry doe snot embody the character at all. I think Lupita Nyong'o who played "Patsy" in 12 Years A Slave could easily pull off Mohawk Storm. She conveys so much with her body and eyes, and I think she'd nail Storm's regal aloofness. Halle Berry always conveys... well, Halle Berry. Plus, she is too long in the tooth to be 'Ro. As is Famke Jensen for Jean. Don't get me wrong. Both are extremely hot, beautiful women, but they're both about 20 years older than what Ororo and Jean should be age-wise. I prefer them in roles that are age-appropriate, like Famke in Taken.

  10. And whoever plays her must be able to speak with a British accent and believably master British wit.

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. Brian, Bérénice Marlohe looks great. I've yet to see Skyfall, so I'll have to see how her acting is. She is beautiful enough to play Bets... Also, she looks mixed. Before the Lobdell retcon, recall that Wolvie recognized her face once he broke the Lady Mandarin helmet off of her in Uncanny No. 257... even with the Asiatic alterations... meaning she'd retained some of her old features:

    ec90e064-b46f-11e0-80fa-000bcdcb4, yes! Kate would totally rock thish character.

  13. An unknown would be best. Especially, and I hope, if they plan to make more than one X-Force movie since it could provide longevity age-wise.

    But, eh, if it's just the one movie, then I think it'd be better if someone more accomplished, more known, took the role.

  14. I would also be fine with an unknown but as far as established actresses go I would cast lot with Gemma Chan (Sherlock, Dr Who, Secret Diary of a Call Girl, Jack Ryan: Shadow Recruit)
