Battle of The Atom – Chapter 7 Spoilers
Chapter 7 – X-Men #6: At the Jean Grey School, a crying Shogo wakes up Jubilee, who finds out Iceman and Beast left the baby with Broo. Later, Bling! builds a device to protect Shogo which works like Armor's powers and gives it to Jubilee. Meanwhile the X-Men and the Future X-Men head back to the school after having retrieved Teen Jean and Teen Scott. However, Wolverine is suspicious and requests Rachel to keep and eye on the Future X-Men. Xorna Jean and Future Beast take the originals to Beast's lab along with Storm, Beast and Kitty. Bling! informs the others that Teen Iceman and Teen Beast are gone. Xavier goes nuts and attacks Bling! when he finds out the originals went to their future with Magik. Xavier fears the other X-Men will come for them and the future X-Men show their true colors, dropping the charade. Rachel says they've been lying all along. Future Kitty is actually the metamorph Wolverine/Mystique lovechild, who stabs his father. At Beat's lab, Xorna Jean is being a bit unsympathetic to Teen Jean. Xavier orders her to secure the originals at any cost. Xorna Jean does so by psychically overwhelming everyone. Future Beast uses power dampeners on Storm, Kitty and Beast and the originals and hacks the school defense systems, locking down every room. Back at the Hangar, Rachel attacks Xavier. Jubilee comes to her defense but is knocked out by Ice Hulk. Rogue tries to absorb Ice Hulk, only to find out he's not really a person. Psylocke who's holding Shogo shatters Ice Hulk into pieces with a psychic morning star. Rachel gets the upper hand against Xavier, but Molly Hayes knocks her unconscious from behind. Shogo ends up pressing Bling!'s protection device, which wraps him like a hamster ball. Only Psylocke is left to fight Deadpool and Wolverique while Jubilee, Bling!, and Shogo run away. Cyclops's and Future Jubilee's X-Men head to the school. Sentinel-X goes for recon and meets Jubilee and Bling!. Sentinel-X takes off his mask and reveals himself as Future Shogo. A wounded Psylocke (or Wolverique in disguise) also manages to leave the school and meet them.
From the preview for the next BOTA issue, it was shown that "Psylocke" is actually Raze (the codename for Wolverique).
ReplyDeleteNevertheless, Betsy was amazing in this issue, putting up a fight against THREE of these Future X-Men (or Future Brotherhood, or whatever). Jubilee, Shogo and Bling only managed to escape thanks to her. Rachel and Jubilee were also great; the other Westchester X-Men, not so much...
Also, nice that poor Gambit got a small panel; he may not be one of my favorite X-Men, but he definitely deserved a bigger role.
By the way, what do you think the Future Brotherhood wants? They said they wanted to send the O5 back to the past (which was exactly what the present X-Men wanted to do), but if that was their goal, why would they react the way they did? And are all of them evil (Xavier's grandson and Wolverine's son seem evil, of course) or could some of them be nice people (Xorn Jean, Molly, Deadpool, etc.)?
ReplyDeleteIn fact, can we be sure that Jubilee's Future X-Men are the good guys? So far they seem to be, but they have Sentinels in their school, and that's not usually a good sign...
Battle of the Atom is turning out to be quite entertaining, in my opinion. I just hope Bendis and Aaron don't drop the ball after Wood's excellent work (and this crossover wasn't even his idea!).
Have i missed something?! What happened to Wolverine's healing factor?