Friday, September 6, 2013

Uncanny X-Force #11 Preview

Uncanny X-Force #11
Writer: Sam Humphries
Art by: Ramon Perez
Cover by: Kris Anka
X-Men 50th Anniversary Variant by: Salvador Larroca

The Story:
• Newly reunited, the members of Uncanny X-Force must cope with the fallout of their recent decisions.
• Bishop gives the team more information about the dangerous threats they face – but can he be believed? Or is he only manipulating X-Force?
• Plus: the secret of the Revenants revealed!

In Stores: September 11, 2013

1 comment:

  1. Are they merely just tied???
    Any of the three could take out those ropes, couldn't they? Unless they have become powerless after their revenants came out.
