Wednesday, August 21, 2013

X-Men #4 Spoilers

Spoilers: Beverly Hills – Jubilee and Wolverine take Shogo on vacation to Jubilee’s hometown. Jubilee shows Logan the house she grew up in. Wolverine offers to buy her the house, but Jubilee declines. Then, they have lunch in the same mall Jubilee saw Storm, Rogue, Psylocke and Dazzler for the first time during their night out. At the end of the day, Logan ends up buying the house for Jubilee.

Northern California – The X-Men aboard the Blackbird approach an airplane with an engine fire. The airports are offline due to a fire and the plane isn’t allowed to land. Storm orders Psylocke, Kitty and Rogue to come up with a rescue plan while she talks to Rachel, who’s still upset about the way Storm handled the Karima/Arkea situation. The girls’ plan involves anchoring the plane with TK. Psylocke creates a TK crossbow for that end and lets Rogue borrow her powers. Meanwhile, Storm and Rachel keep arguing inside the Blackbird. Neither come to an agreement. Rogue manages to link the airplane with the Blackbird with TK, which overloads Psylocke. Rogue’s TK wears off and Storm comes to her rescue. The airplane is safe to land and Storm is proud of what they did together.


  1. May be a filler, but it's a gorgeously-drawn filler. With a really nice interaction between Jubilee and Wolverine (first time he's not a douche in ages). The mission of the other X-Women was a little clumsy, but wasn't bad and provided some nice moments. And it set up the divergences between Storm and Rachel, which will probably have a big impact in Battle of the Atom...

    Overall, a great issue.

  2. This wasn't a filler issue, at all. Rachel & Storm discussed the idea of them forming as an official X-squad. Not only that, they also discussed the fall out of deciding on Karima's fate. Plus, it looks like Wolverine just bought them a team base.

  3. Can someone explain why Betsy overloaded?

    Rogue mimics powers; she doesn't share them with the source host...

    I'm sure I'm just misunderstanding the synopsis... maybe it was just feedback? ...or she was just taxed overall?

  4. SoulTapestry,
    Actually Rogue does not mimic powers (like Synch). She actually takes them (now she can control the degree). Which is why Carol Danvers had no powers for a while until becoming Binary. In addition she takes the person's memories/psche and attributes too. Another reason why, the memories of Carol formed an alter which could take control of her body... while Carol lost all her memories.
