Tuesday, July 9, 2013

X-Position: Wood Explores Jubilee & More in "X-Men"

CBR: With "X-Men" finally launched and off to the races, Brian Wood joined X-Position to answer your questions about his work on both his new ongoing series and "Ultimate Comics X-Men," Jubilee's power set, his desire to create a new "Generation X" series and more.

In "Ultimate Comics X-Men," I thought the Phoenix force left Jean Grey. How did she pull that effect at the end of the last story arc? Will the Mothervine/Psylocke thing ever be revealed as well?

Brian Wood: The Mothervine/Psylocke thing is as explained in my title as it's ever going to get. Mothervine was a big part of the "Ultimate Wolverine" miniseries, which you may or may not have read. I'm not sure if editorial has more plans to explore it or not. I'm already wrapping up the end chapters of the "World War X" arc.

Note: It was revealed in Ultimate Comics X-Men #28 that "Psylocke" was an impersonator connected to the Mothervine Project. Nothing further was explained.


  1. I feel like I'm always so bitter about Ultimate Psylocke. First she debuts under Millar and she's totally awesome contrast to her 616 counterpart and is immediately killed... only to be alive issues later. Then she's gone.

    Appears much later reintroduced by Kirkman, and out of nowhere she has the ability to create psychic knives & she's more nimble/athletic, as before she was just a gov agent. Then she's killed completely off panel, and we only know she's dead because at the end of Ultimatum there is a checklist of confirmed 'deaths' and Psylocke's name was either mistakenly placed, or placed as a last ditch effort to make Ultimatum seem more important that it was by increasing the kill count.

    Then Wood innocently brings her on his title, more than likely she would still be alive in the book with a role the size of Magma, Warpath, etc but nooooooooo some poster had to run his mouth on CBR, bitching & complaining that she is dead and she shouldn't be alive! And this was apparently a fan of Psylocke... um, okay? So, Brian Wood takes it upon himself to totally fuck with the character & make her completely evil and then she's killed of... again. Why? Because some loser wanted Ultimatum (one of the worst storylines of any comic book, ever!) to be acknowledged & respected.. UGH!

    Well, silver lining to this cloud, I can drop Ultimate XMen & save a little money :)

  2. I'm enjoying the blooming flirtation between Sublime and Rachel, even though Rachel doesn't see it yet.

    I feel more open to the idea of Psylocke as a telekinetic. I think the costume actually has something to do with it - it's less ninja-specific (but still sleek and stealthy) so I can picture her doing different things.

  3. I´m glad when betsy uses tk. god she´s so awesome by copiel. very sad that she´s dead again in ultimate but the book is pretty awesome. kitty kick so much ass in this one. she´s my favorite (beside betsy) in ultimate and i don´t like her in 616. betsy is dead but she was pretty fun to read in this arc.

  4. That has got to be one of the most EPIC TK blasts I have ever seen!

  5. I really didn't care for the ultimate world or have much attachment to ult psylocke so I'm, not torn at all. We have Woods writing 616 Psylocke already.

  6. i'm hoping that just like sublime said that when they leave hosts bodies that they leave a new personality in the host - like it's reset that arkea does that with karima - because she was an intriguing character - she'd be a great addition to this x-women team

  7. Well, of course if you're not a reader of the Ultimate comics like I've been since they've debuted 10yrs ago you own't have the same attachment to the characters of that universe as I do, treysome.

  8. I just prefer 616 betsy who is getting so much spotlight right now, the ultimate world is dying anyways

  9. Karima Shapandar IS the seventh member of the team.
