Wednesday, July 24, 2013

X-Men #3 Variant by Kris Anka


  1. Not bad. But I think that a naginata would have been more appropriate for a ninja than a swiss voulge (halberd).

  2. Just LOVED this cover. I think Betsy+Kitty is a nice team up.

    Loved the weaponry that Betsy is showing, they are using it in a pleasant way and I'm glad that it's not just ninja stuff. She once said that her imagination has no limits and it's nice to see it on the weapons.

  3. Here's hoping Betsy gets to show her power skills off more on the last Coipel issue as I d love to see him to draw her in action. He draws rogue and storm action scenes up close but psylocke's he seems to do from a distance
