Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Uncanny X-Force #8 Art


  1. Is this scene exactly what I think it is?? Psylocke and Cluster having fun in bed? (of the bi/lesbian kind)

    Sorry, I'm really not caught up on these comics at present.

  2. Oh gurrl. I love it.

  3. Sensual, but the mask has to go. Hahaha! And since when did Psylocke go bi?

  4. I do not think the most important here is that she has gone bi...It is that she remained truthful to what she felt and loved independently of gender.
    As australian pointed in an earlier post, I also like this development towards her, because it is showing growth. And we will see the closure to that in the issue that comes by, because she will finally have to decide how she will deal with all this and I really do not think she will kill Fantomex, maybe she just said that to see where is Weapon XIII going.
    I think we will be surprised to what will come out of all this. After we have seen Psylocke pissed off after all of this happened, I think she will get to take something good out of this after all that will make her change as a person again, just like she chose not to kill anymore.

  5. Sexuality preference in life bothers me not at all and I only actually notice Psylocke being with another female as being a "thing" because other people bring it up. Her being bi- makes more sense to me than suddenly making her a lover of pilfered treasures. I mean, come on. That is so out from left field. Ninja and thievery don't go hand in hand. We could chalk it up to character progression, sure, but there is little of the old/original Betsy remaining. Our girl has come a long way, and I guess ultimately, I'm happy (mostly) that she's even evolving as a character.
    Anyway, her sexual orientation doesn't matter. But what does bother me? That fucking always-on-mask. "I love you but I don't trust you enough to take it off." To me, it just looks bad on Bet's part to stick with someone like that. I'm sure Bets trusts Fantomex (ugh) but he/she doesn't trust her enough to not go probing? I'm surprised this "relationship" hasn't ended, and I that is what bugs me most.
    Get rid of the mask!

  6. I have nothing against Psylocke being bi.. I wasn't implying that at all. I was just surprised because Psylocke in the past always was "straight" and I didn't take her for changing like that. At any rate, I'm happy for Psylocke and her "open-ness".
