Thursday, June 6, 2013

Uncanny X-Force #6 Preview

Uncanny X-Force #6
Writer: Sam Humphries
Art by: Adrian Alphona & Dexter Soy
Cover by: Marcos Martin

The Story:
• Secrets from the future and the past come to haunt Uncanny X-Force!
• What does Fantomex want from Betsy?
• What does Betsy want from Cluster?
• What does Cluster want from Fantomex?
• What does Bishop want from the 21st century? A body count or a good burger?
• And Los Angeles, lock up your humans: there’s a new mutant on the loose!

In Stores: June 12, 2013


  1. Aw, it's cute that Logan thinks he has a say in the matter... He better watch it or Betsy might just have to nudge him in the brain a little (or a lot, depending on her mood).

  2. I'm really sorry, but this cover is really ugly. The art is just bad, plus it's derivative. I don't mean to trash the artist at all, but it's an ugly cover so it's unavoidable.

  3. Outback,

    Please stop mincing words. LOL!

    1. Though I must admit that the cover matches what content we've seen in this book to date.

  4. This comic was much better than previous. Lets hope it keeps psylocke and Logan's talk
