Wednesday, May 29, 2013

X-Men #1 Spoilers

Spoilers: Before this planet came to be, there were two siblings. The male banished the female to the cosmos, while he would inherit primordial Earth. In the present, the female piggybacks on a series of small meters towards Earth seeking revenge. The male: John Sublime follows her trace. Three weeks later in Bulgaria, Jubilee decides to return to the X-Men bringing an orphan baby with her. At the Jean Grey School, Storm and Rachel break up an argument between Bling! and Mercury. Rogue and Kitty warn them that Jubilee has called telling she’s being followed by someone. Sublime who’s been following her finds out Jubilee is heading to the school. Storm, Rogue and Kitty decide to intercept Jubilee’s train and investigate. Sublime arrives at the school and is promptly threatened by Rachel and Psylocke. Sublime claims he has come to ask for their help. Meanwhile, Jubilee explains to the X-Men that she rescued the baby from an explosion and has been taking care of him ever since. Without anyone realizing, the baby touches a speaker which ends up disrupting the train controls, killing the drivers. Rogue takes matters into her hands and manages to save all passengers before the train could run into another. At the school, Sublime explains that his sister has come to infect and dominate this world and hopes that the X-Men help him to stop her. Arkea is her name she’s more likely to possess machines. Psylocke attest the veracity in his words. Jubilee and the baby arrive at the school. Arkea who was possessing the baby transfers herself via electronics to Omega Sentinel and awakes.


  1. If Arkea is a sentient bacteria like Sublime, how can she possess machines? In fact, how can she be female and Sublime be male if they're bacteria? Although they're ALIEN sentient bacteria, so their physiology may be different.

    Anyway, I still didn't have the chance to read this first issue, but these spoilers are interesting, and some panels posted around the net show that the art and dialogues are great! Can't wait to read it!

  2. This issue was amazing. Definitely lived up to the transcendent hype. Loved it, and loved Wood's portrayal of Psylocke, looks like he somewhat improved from his previous iteration of her, and she's sexy.

  3. Psychic English Longbow FTW, The BEBEH! was icing on the cake, Coipel nailed it. Loved the family feel and interactions. Loved that Psylocke FINALLY "sounded" like Psylocke. Let's see the next arc in UXF, then I'll pick one.

  4. Very good plot and the art is awesome!!
    The bow and arrow totally owned the scene!!

  5. Psylocke looks stunning. When Coipel draws her, I take back any minor gripes I had about detail on her costumes - she's perfect. The psychic longbow was awesomeee. I like that Wood gives her a "deadly" edge. It's kind of essential to her character, I find.

    How did Rogue get her superstrength? The flight, superstrength, and invulnerability were so perfect for her character. Wood is right to write her as a brawler. I think that's also an essential part of her character.

  6. Rogue thanks Northstar for the flight, superstrength and invulnerability. (she mentions it very briefly.)

    1. Thanks Sad Puppets, but Northstar doesn't have super strength and invulnerability? She mentions his flight and speed briefly, not strength or invulnerability. (When I mentioned those, I was referring to the good ol days when she had Carol Danvers' powers.)
