Friday, May 24, 2013

Uncanny X-Force #5 Preview

Uncanny X-Force #5
Writer: Sam Humphries
Art by: Adrian Alphona/Dexter Soy
Cover by: Kris Anka

The Story:
• Guest-penciler ADRIAN ALPHONA (co-creator of RUNAWAYS) joins UXF!
• Psylocke digs deep into Bishop’s head and what she finds will shock you!
• One of the biggest X-Villains of the past 20 years threatens the Uncanny X-Force!

In Stores: May 29, 2013


  1. Well, the art sounds weird, but this arc seems to have a reason to be after all...maybe now we will get to have more relevant stuff. I wanna know who dominated Bishop and how Betsy is gonna get him out of this.

  2. Yeah, this ish' looks like it could actually go somewhere. And i like that cover a lot.

  3. I feel like if this series wasn't released at such a snail's pace, that we would enjoy it a lot more. But not only did they only release just one issue a month (compared to All New XMen, Cable XForce, which are released way more frequently) paired with #4 being delayed an entire month, it only hurt the book. If Garney is too blame, that's a shame. Because IMO his art is just mediocre and not good enough to warrant such delays. Glad he's apparently off the book for good, I dont' think his style fits Humphries' style of writing. I think Ramon Perez will fit the book better, also someone like Dustin Nguyen would be awesome on a book written by Humphries IMO.

  4. Ramon Perez ? So he's actually coming here ? If they can get a decent colorist to compliment his work, that'd be nice, but what i've taken from WATXM was quite putrefying.

    Ffs, why can't they just let Alphona stay ?
