Tuesday, April 23, 2013

X-Position: Brian Wood

CBR: This week, Brian Wood joined X-Position to answer your questions about the current status of Kitty Pryde's Ultimate Utopia in "Ultimate Comics X-Men," how he plans to include Jubilee's vampiric powers in "X-Men," the parallels between the Ultimate U and the Marvel U and more.

"Uncanny X-Force" revealed that Wolverine kicked out Psylocke from the school. Since yours is a school-based team, how will you integrate Psylocke to the book?

Brian Wood: I know this is a topic of debate on the boards, and I have to side with those who feel she wasn't so much kicked out as sent out on a mission? I mean, she wasn't expelled as in "GTFO and never come back." That's how I'm seeing it, unless something new has happened? I admit I'm a couple issues behind in my X-reading, so who knows? But beyond that, Psylocke is part of the roster of this team, this unofficial team of X-Men, regardless of her status relative to the school. Meaning, even if Logan did give her the boot, it wouldn't affect her loyalty to the others. Loyalty, shared history and friendship are the ties that bind this team together. That supersedes everything else, as far as I'm concerned.


  1. His book cannot come fast enough....
    I can then give up Humphries, fan fiction retcon wet dream..

  2. Who's forcing you to read UXF? If you don't like it, don't read it. Being a crybaby about it won't change anyone's opinion on the book.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Yeah, the first issues weren't the best and did seem kinda like fanfic at times but it improved by the third issue. I think it seemed like fanfic because the novelty factor was high. The novelty wears off fast if it's not well-grounded. Psylocke needs more dimension in this book - she's a little too abrasive here. I mean, she's always been edgy, but in a "mysterious" way. I hope he doesn't kill her mystique, it's one of the most interesting things about her. I believe this had something to do with her poised, polished "Englishness" complementing the sleek stealthy Japanese ninja thing. Dangerous, but in an inherently reserved, grounded manner. Made her seem unpredictable in a "What is she thinking right now?" sort of way. Great combo. Although I liked the last issue, the portrayal of her being some punk rock model discovering her powers didn't sit well with me. It didn't seem like her.

  5. Outback,
    That's, because it wasn't her. Total retcon on Humphries' part... which I too didn't see a need for. Psylocke's poweres actually manifested in her young adulthood and initially started out with just her precognitive flashes. Her ESP continued to evolve until she became a full-blown telepath.

  6. Thanks, Rahsaan. So it's a confirmed retcon, then? And a pretty bad one. What is he doing @&$*ing up her already complicated history? He's making her too "street" and "urban", it's not doing her character too many favours. Ugh, that's annoying, this is starting to leave a bad aftertaste. Humphries, get it together!!

  7. Guys, give it a chance. It was a "slight" retcon at the most... Humphries had her powers manifest in her late teens vs. early adulthood, big deal. It's not a "make or break". At least he has a lot of enthusiasm when writing Psylocke, if not accuracy. It could be worse... anyone remember Scott Lobdell?

  8. Cmon Humphries is givin a personality to bets. I love remember run, it had more "quality" i give u that. But bets was a martyr there. So much pain don´t put the character in a kickass mode. I love her there, but she was not sassy and never smile... here she´s more agressive and its more stylish. and Humphries love her. she´s real a kickass character. and the main character. and was Humphries who put her there. the comic is just awesome. its not the best writen comic in the world. but it is what comics is about. action mistery great art and some kickass characters. I love this betsy and it felt like the betsy that come back from the dead years ago. plus i love spiral. i think this comic gonna rock. and bets will have a place in x men, not a sporting cast. just lets enjoy it and x men. I agree with ben. if you really don´t like it.. dont buy it. stop crying bout that. there are persons who like the book. say what u wish to see in the book. its more interesting that say that the book sucks. :)

  9. I'm definitely giving it a shot, no worries about that. That said, this "if you don't like it, don't buy the book" argument is annoying. If they got this Scott Lobdell guy writing Betsy again, would you still be saying that? Oh, if you don't like Lobdell, don't buy the book." Funny, that is actually what I did - for over ten years. I only started reading comics again when Remender brought Betsy into UXF. I'm not looking for the same thing as vol. 1, here, but the quality has to be there. Humphries' enthusiasm is great, but it doesn't exempt him from criticism (if criticism is warranted). In the meantime, I am still buying the book. I want to see Betsy take the crown! I also liked the last issue, except for the "model in NY" part. I also like Spiral but so far in this book she's just been a victim, so it's not that interesting.

  10. For me I think I was a bit spoiled by the Remender run, he seemed to understand the history and subtle stuff about Psylocke better then anyone. Small things like, the costume change, although it's good, she says that she doesnt do teams anymore yet she has a big X on her chest. I know it's a small thing, but she never was one for to many x's on her uniforms.

    And I agree with outback, I think she is too abrasive, the swearing thing is overused and does not seem to fit her refined British aristocricy background. And although Im glad that he is adding a new layer to her history with the young model thing, it he does not follow through and make it make sense, it could confuse her history even more. ( I just wish he had made her blond which would have been a wink to the British body Betsy.

    But in the end, it's only been a few issues, just set up stuff really. And I am intersted eneough to hang on to see where it goes.

  11. Rocketboy, I think you hit the nail on the head. Thanks - I wasn't quite sure what it is about her new costume that annoys me, but it's that big huge X mostly, and overall it diminishes her individuality. I mean, it looks like one of the original X-Factor uniforms. Betsy's uniforms were always unique - Brit Betsy had unique uniforms, and when the hand uniform was introduced it was really different. I understood that the hand uniform had to be updated because people wanted to see a change that would distance her from the unfortunate "butt floss" stigma that some jerk writers in the 90s stuck her with, but the hand uniform lasted that long because it was a classic. It's quintessential Psylocke. Now? She blends into the wallpaper. (And yes, I understand that ninjas are supposed to be stealthy and blend in, but honesty, how does a huge white X across her torso make her stealthy?) her new uniform makes her look like a henchman/goon. Rocketboy mentioned that sure this is a detail, but I think it's a pretty important one considering that she said she doesn't do teams. (By the way, Humphries, I love that she said that. That, at least, is in character.) but the X-Force goon uniform makes her look generic.

  12. Returning to Wood's X-Position, I guess whoever asked him that question wasn't worrying about her loyalty to the other X-Men, but why is she living in JGS if she's not a teacher. It's an interesting question, indeed (same for Jubilee, who will be living there).

    But I guess they don't need to work in the school to live there. Now Northstar is listed as a teacher, but he wasn't before - yet he was already living in JGS. Betsy will probably be in charge of security or something like that, like she used to do in Utopia after Schism.

  13. And I must say, I don't think her current uniform makes her look generic at all. I think Kris Anka did an amazing job designing it, and it captures her essence while modernizing her looks (she couldn't stay in the blue bathing suit forever). If Psylocke ever joins the X-Men in the movies, that uniform would blend very well with the other characters.

  14. Ben..

    Control your anger homie, I can have an opinion as valid as yours. I like her in a book, I support it, because I want someone else to write it eventually. That or for Humphries to look at Woods book and get better. If you feel like you need to beat me over the head for my opinion, think about it then DONT. We're all fans of the character and like her in various ways. I feel bad for you that you think your way is more valid than mine.

    Humphries retcon sucked,period!
    /cheers chap!

  15. Outback and Rocket, you guys rock! I love the Anka suit, but the giant X does kill me in retrospect! She is supposed to be stealthy, yet has a big white/cream? X on her chest. If they altered the color gave it some dark purple or something on that spot, would work.
    Besides she is an independent thinker and shady as hell. Her Cultured manners should be used, but not in the "I'm a brit, so I'm a B%tch!" mode. But in a shady, okay she's holding a sword.. she's smiling.. why do I want my daddy now! kinda way:P

    Agree again on Criticism, if people never get critiqued, they can't improve. I'm pretty sure Humphries is getting critiqued about his writing.

    Michael Bay made 3, soon to be 4 Transformes movies. They made GIANT amounts of money. But they reeked terribly, especially that second one. People love the first, and were okay with the last. After so many Sci-fi movies came out since then, and did GIANT monies, and got great ratings from fans and the like, I know the 4th film will be better written. Considering that the guys who wrote the amazing Star Trek, also did Transformers.

    Humphries may be in the same boat, he had an idea, and didn't implement it right( the Ret con).
    Lets hope he does get better!
    I'd love to buy TWO Psylocke books, but bad writing is bad writing, I wont support that.

  16. Thanks, Tazirai! I agree with you completely.

  17. annoying is the crying over and over again bout the same issue. I dont think remember was a good writer for betsy, just a good writer in a global dimension. that character was too. the x-force is a great book and i really enjoy it. the character really need to get a stable personality. Couse betsy always was dependent on the writer who wrote her. I just sense some hater aspect. We all love betsy. but dont say this book is worst that exiles. and the book had some good reviews. I love it. And for me this is the betsy book. I love kick ass girls. And betsy is ascending in marvel universe.

  18. Glad that she is ascending, that's for sure! No hater aspect that I can see, everybody here loves the character, but you don't have to necessarily like everything. The crying over the same issue was, from what I could tell, people crying about her bathing suit. That was annoying. Doesn't mean we have to like everything about the new one (although I generally like the direction it's going. It could be improved though, it's boring. Let's also not forget that she's had 2 new costumes since the bathing suit. I liked the last one a bit better than this one.)

  19. You are right Outback bout the suit. I like this one but don´t like the big x. I like the suit in the first uncanny x force. but i can live with this one. Its strange for me to read that the new "x-men" book will be the new betsy book and forget bout uncanny. couse that x men book its not release yet... and this uncanny is in the beguinning. i just fell people lost hope too soon. Just because i really enjoying the book (really really) i know its not perfect. I just love the character in when she come back to life and had that sassy moments with emma and was a little full of herself. do u remember? this betsy is more like that betsy. I always see a kick ass character in her. with some arrongance. It make me somehow sad that betsy fans don´t liking her in this book. but i can understand. I think we had been so many variations from psylocke: tk vs telepathy, asian vs british, crimson down vs no crimson down, telportation vs wtf seriously. and we will always have people liking one thing and hating other thing in her. but for me. as a big fan. This book is just a dream. couse i like her agressive and as a leader. and really liking see her kicking butt and have a nasty leanguage. Sorry if I am been offensive. Its not my point. its just i just read some ufx and i dig it and when i come here see always some criticize. and i know its fair enough, everyone have an opinion but for the first time ower girl is the main charecter... and the book its not bad. okay i just gonna shut my .. fingers. lets hope that the book get better and that she gonna rock in x men. I love copiel thats a big plus for me. (and sorry for my bad english) :)

  20. Hey 47, your English is awesome, I understand you perfectly! No worries, your comments are all good. I haven't lost hope! I'm waiting impatiently for the next issue of uncanny x-force. :) I do like that Humphries is doing different things, is being risky, and edgy. His writing is not "safe" or boring - it's experimental, in a way. I like that a lot. I also think he's got reasons for all the writing decisions he's made, and that they will sort of reveal themselves with time as the book unfolds. I loved his ideas to begin with - having Spiral and Puck on the team with Storm and Psylocke is genius - there is good chemistry/dynamic there, so he's got good vision. I love some of the things he did in the book to - "fight for Betsy!" - that telepathic vision/hallucination was cool and freaking great. There are a lot of things I like about it, and it is a welcome relief from the loads of unending angst that dominated (for too long) Remender's run. So I am looking forward to the next issue. I just think a few of the things he's tried aren't necessarily working as well as they were meant to. Fighter Betsy rocks - just need to see a little bit more nuance and subtlety in the coming issues.

  21. Thank you Australian Outback :) Lets hope that the future of this run will please every betsy fan... Can´t wait for the next saga. hope that the actions of fantomex will be explain. the fight for betsy was one of my fav moments. that put a smile on my face.
