Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Uncanny X-Force #3 Spoilers

Spoilers: Then – Betsy was only a 16 year-old when she moved to NY to be a model and her psychic powers emerged for the first time. She couldn’t shut out thoughts and didn’t leave her apartment for a month.

Now – Bishop kidnapped the girl, Ginny, and ran off. Puck says their mission is accomplished as they have captured Spiral, but Storm wants to bring the girl back. It’s revealed that Mojo removed Spiral’s ability to travel between dimensions, so she was trapped on Earth-616 without anywhere to go, until she found Ginny and started to use her psychic powers to make money by selling drugs, which were false. It was actually Ginny’s powers that put people in a trance. Betsy says she can follow Ginny’s psychic avatar and orders Spiral to teleport them. Meanwhile, Fantomex and Cluster hijack an airplane. Dark Fantomex is following them, without them knowing. Back to X-Force, Spiral teleports them to a subway tunnel in LA. Betsy can’t pick up any psychic signature, including that of her teammates. That’s when Bishop surprises them and attacks X-Force. While they fight, Spiral grabs the girl and teleports to safety. Betsy uses her psychic knife on Bishop and enters his mind. There, she finds his psyche tangled like a maze. As she finds the Demon Bear, she realizes it was a trap.


  1. Hm it is interesting the mention to younger Betsy. I wonder what it has to do with the rest of the story.
    I have noc lue what all the Fantomexes are up to hehe it intrigues me...
    Why was Ginny being tricked to do the drug thing anyway??
    I hope she has an astonishing battle in the psi plane. I love her doing that.

  2. I don't know if I speak for everybody here, but the previews for this issue didn't make any justice to the real thing.
    I loved it.
    I'm bloody curious about the Fantomexes and the developement of the relationships between the characters and the way the team is slowly growing.

  3. It was alright, but i'm beginning to get bored. Quick.

    This issue had the most inconsistencies (as if this title wasn't already oozing with them) to date, i mean, it's clear that Humphries is trying and actually wants to deliver a good story and cater to the fans, but he's slightly going about it the wrong way.

    Seriously should have saved the whole Fantomex sub-plot for a later date, because it's proving a detriment to the opening story-line, they just seem quite irrelevant at this point and i'm dreading the upcoming issues that'll be featuring them. Fantomex the character was only ever bearable while under Morrison's pen.

    I know Humphries can (and hopefully will) deliver, but he needs to be quick.

  4. I agree, Anna Carolina. I liked it a lot better than I expected. What I really liked: Betsy's got good taste in bands and wears cool band t-shirts. So far we have Joy Division, Stones, Cheap Trick. Any others I missed? I also really liked the contrast in art between the LA scenes and the psychic plane scenes. Very Fairytale-like on the Psychic plane.

  5. actually I liked the first part because at least it show how Betsy manifested her telepathy and not just "Oh I got my powers from out of the blue!" I'm curious though, who helped her coped up with her powers then?

  6. You have a point there @Max Tan, and it's kind of confusing because when she was 16 her parents should still be alive, right? Since they were alive until both of Betsy and Brian graduated in college .-. But she didn't go to S.T.R.I.K.E that earlier, so who could possibly help her with her powers?
    If she went through this all by herself, then Betsy is more badass than we all thought.

  7. Australian Outback: and sleigh bells. in issue 2 when she is with pack in the "car" the music playing is from that band. "Born to lose" from Sleigh bells

  8. Hey 47, are you sure? I'm looking at issue 2 and the only lyric in that panel is, "Whyyy don't we get drunk and--". Meanwhile I also have the lyrics up for Sleigh Bells' "Born to Lose" and that quote isn't in there. I'm pretty sure it's referring to Jimmy Buffett's, "Why Don't We Get Drunk and Screw"... I think part of the irony there is that the dialogue cuts it off right before the word "screw". Also, all of Betsy's music references have been referring to classic songs. I'm pretty sure it wasn't a reference to Sleigh Bells.

  9. For anyone interested I tweeted Sam after reading the issue asking about STRIKE and Captain Britain and he said while he had no plans to cover it any time soon, it still had a place in her history as to his knowledge no one had retconned it.

    So, I guess the younger Betsy thing is just a filler in that time period and doesn't detract from her time as a psi agent - which probably still happened after.

  10. Australian outback: yes, here is the scene that sleigh bells is playing in the backround, i guess she likes sleigh bells 2 here the music :)

  11. Decent issue, But I cannot believe how Humphries screwed up Psylockes history so badly, and how the fans let him get away with it. She didn't manifest Telepathy until she around 25. She started off as a Pre-cog then got the Telepathy. She never once had an issue onscreen where she puked up her guts from her manifesting. She was already working for STRIKE, when her Telepathy first booted up.

    Charter Pilot> Modelling> College Graduate> Strike Psi-team member as a Precog, then Telepathy manifested. Brian finished up his masters while serving as Captain Britain, all the Braddocks went to college. Psylocke joined the X-men as one of the oldest members, about 29 or 30.

    Come on People it's not hard to look up her actual history. Unless they are now purposefully trying to make her asian/Japanese from the start, which in my opinion, means they should bring back Revanche, and just start Psylocke over as a new character. With the way People change her really UNCOMPLICATED, back history she feels like a new character to me.
