Spoilers: Downtown LA, Bishop unleashes against the cops. Meanwhile,
Betsy telepathically influences a man in the club to help her fight the
mind-controlled partygoers. Inside their minds, Betsy finds the little girl controlling
them. Storm and Puck find the girl being kept on the vault. Spiral arrives and
teleports the girl away with her. Puck manages to be teleported along them. At
the rooftop, Spiral defeats Puck easily. Spiral seems attached to the girl,
Ginny. Storm rescues Puck from falling from the rooftop and engage Spiral in a
battle again. Inside the club, Psylocke goes berserk and fries everyone’s mind.
At the rooftop, Spiral teleports away again and brings the girl with her. In
Hungary, Fantomex and Cluster go on a date. Cluster says that she misses Betsy.
Fantomex says he doesn’t. Regardless, Cluster thinks that Dark Fantomex must
miss her too, and that they need to protect her from him. Back to LA, Storm
concludes that Spiral’s powers must be limited since she only managed to
teleport to the rooftop, so she must be close. Storm and Psylocke realize the
girl is a new mutant, and that she was mentally influencing the partygoers.
Betsy tracks the girl via telepathy before Spiral could place an anti-tracking
bracelet on the girl. X-Force finds Spiral, but the encounter is interrupted by
an angry Bishop, who looks more powerful than ever. Storm and Psylocke are shocked
to see him. Bishop attacks Psylocke and state they have no idea what he is now,
seemingly possessed by the Demon Bear.
So two episodes in and I'm already frustrated with Spiral's portrayal. I can understand her desire to protect a child, she did take care of the X-Babies from time-to-time back in the Mojoverse. However, one of her defining character traits is her insanity, caused by being forced to endure crossing reality streams in the multiverse with her mind wind open. It resulted in an affected speech pattern which bordered on the psychotic, but general with sometimes a deeper introspection than most of the heroes would admit to themselves. In this way, she was to a large degree a dark mirror to the heroes. This deeper and twisted view is absolutely absent in this incarnation. Maybe some semblence of sanity has been restored by Ginny, but as it stands she is a pale imitation of her former glory.