Friday, February 22, 2013

Uncanny X-Force #2 Preview

Uncanny X-Force #2
Writer: Sam Humphries
Art by: Ron Garney
Cover by: Kris Anka

The Story:
Bishop Vs. Uncanny X-Force!
What secrets does the man with the "M" on his face bring from the future?


  1. Looks amazing!!! Can't wait for the issue to come out!!!

  2. Also, FYI: Scott Clark passed away. If you're looking for significance, he drew X-Men: Sword of the Braddocks. His work was mostly DC and Wildstorm, but still, could be worth a mention...

  3. I feel good about this book and have big hopes that it really ignites. I just don't see the connection with Betty and her vehicle. It doesn't look like what a ninja would drive. It looks a little steam punk to me.

  4. Psychic butterflies will always make me happy.

  5. this comic is LATE again for distribution. what the hell
