Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Sam Humphries Gets "Uncanny" with "X-Force"

CBR: Over the past year plus, Marvel Comics "Uncanny X-Force" has hit comic shops with a surprising mix of neon-tinted science fiction, broken hearted killers and critical acclaim. But when writer Rick Remender ends his run with the series in its next, 35th issue, the franchise won't be ending with him. As part of the ongoing Marvel NOW! relaunch of the publisher's superhero titles, "Uncanny X-Force" will be reborn under the pens of writer Sam Humphries and artist Ron Garney.

On the other side of the coin is returning heroine Psylocke. The writer had to play coy so as to not spoil her role in Remender's final issue. "With some characters, we're specifically picking up on threads Rick has so generously left dangling...and where Betsy's life is at is one of those threads," he said. "She's in a similar place to Storm. They have a lot to bond over." Humphries described her as a survivor both as an X-Man and as a character.
Spiral, the multi-armed carryover from the Mojoverse, is probably better known to "Marvel Vs. Capcom" video gamers, they explained. "She can't be a part of the whole 'Uncanny Avengers' scheme. She can't go to the school. She can't join Cyclops and his crew. She has nowhere to belong to right now," Humphries said. "Her trying to get by put her in direct confrontation with Betsy and Storm." He added that the history between Spiral and Psylocke will play a big role in her first appearance in issue #1 and beyond. "She's a surprise," Lowe said. "She was the character Sam threw out that completely threw me for a loop...but I thought, 'You know what? That would be awesome!'" The writer added that she has been a villain for years, but "You're going to see a side of her that's never been explored before...she's not just a villain but a victim of Mojo."
Asked whether Psylocke would lead the team, the group played coy. "Betsy is exactly where I want here...she's where I wanted to take over writing her as a character in that she's really interesting to me," the writer said. "In my mind, Betsy is as strong in the Marvel Universe as Wolverine, Rogue, Storm or any of those characters. What that means in the reality of who will lead the team" remains unknown as there are multiple people with leadership potential.
Finally, the panel was asked about a potential crossover between "Cable & The X-Force." Nothing official was confirmed, but Humphries talked up the fact that Psylocke and company view themselves as the only legitimate X-Force team, and so tensions between the two groups would be high. Particularly, he noted one book starring Cable and one featuring Bishop meant that some old rivalries would have to clash eventually.


  1. Can't wait for this. And the preview art looks pretty damn nice.

  2. The art looks like a throwback to the 90's!! I can't wait to to see it colored!!

  3. Garney is really channeling some Jim Lee/Silvestri, imo!

    Also, it looks like Psylocke is the one who gets kicked out of the Jean Grey Institute :(

    I guess this means she won't be in any other x-titles than X-Force.

  4. Those are my thoughts too!

    Garney's art looks like Jim Lee/Silvestry's. And I love it!

    Guess you're right. In those flashback panel, she's attacking Quire. Maybe that's triggering the expelled?

    It's too bad really, we haven't seen her at the school in any book, and yet she's joining the school and kicked out in the same issue? :(
    Not to mention, she won't be appearing anywhere except this book.

    At least she's going to be prominent in Uncanny X-Force.
    And oh.. that page where she attack Spiral in a club is sexxy.

  5. So Logan tried so hard to bring her to his side of the Schism but kicks her out just as she joins him? Typical. She's better without him, anyway.

    Let's wait and see if Humphries's writing skills provide a great book; in any case, we already know that Garney's art will be very good!

    As for the page with Psylocke vs. Spiral... psi-stab the extradimensional b***h in the head, Betsy!

  6. I'm glad she's attacking students and being kicked out of the school. Everything about this crap school is trash. Happy Betsy won't be involved in this garbage. haha You go Betsy!

  7. I agree. I'd rather see her on her own than involved in that rubbish. But, Betsy darling, please kill Quire before you go. I f•••ing hate him.


  8. I was just thinking that I hope she get's kicked out for at least hurting him real bad, or permenently scarring him in some way. I am betting that he probably got in hear head some way, maybe he was trying to mind f her by posing as Fontomex. Which would really set her off because it would be like that time she was almost raped by the fake Captain Britain. It would be interesting if she lost control and did the same to Quire.

  9. Rocketboy that's an awesome idea. It looks like she's kissing Fantomex so maybe you're right. That makes the most sense. No idea why she'd attack a student right? Either way, good she's not involved with the ridiculous school.

  10. If they don't go the mind-f@#% route, it could be because he said something about Angel and that set her off. Either way, this book is looking like it could have what it takes. I'm excited!

  11. I'm good with this. I don't think being a school teacher is really the best use of a telepathic ninja assassin's talents.

  12. LOL yeah, imagine that class!

  13. Mwa hahaha Matt. True.
    Our girl Betsy gets to adventure in style.
    Not teaching.. whatever she would teach.
    Do any of the teachers at these schools have degrees / education behind them? haha
    I would hate to be in Dazzler's class.

  14. I wonder why it took them so long to do all this awesome stuff with Betsy...

  15. QKC,

    Stop pourin' that haterade. The Dazzler is the HBIC at the disco!

  16. I was reading some of Rick's Uncanny X-force and Evan had said his uncle was called uncle cluster, so the name for the female Fantomex was planned and not given?

  17. Oh that would be SO typical of Wolverine to kick her out. I got hate on FB the other day for stating Wolverine was a bit of a hypocrite in the wake of Schism...which is kinda is...but really. I almost want him to kick her out, especially if it's for handing Quire's arse to the kid on a silver platter as he deserves a boot up the behind.

    If she is being kicked out, I hope this doesn't impact on any interaction that'll come down the line with either Angel (past and present, which really hasn't been touched enough).

    Can't wait for this!

  18. I still think we should wait to see if that's Quire. Look at her costume, I think it's Daken in a flashback, but we won't know until its colored. Also, how is Logan going to kick her out of the school? She was never apart of it.....

  19. @ Rahsaan! haha Yes. Maybe at the disco..
    She'd teach Light Aerobics classes. A la The Firm.

    ANyway, mega excited for this. Psylocke foreva! & even happier Storm's with her!!
    Looking forward to Spiral as well; funny because I was never a fan when she was "the villain" in an arc/issue.
