Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Uncanny X-Force #33 Art


  1. Psylocke's battle was basically fast-forwarded, meanwhile this is being drawn out way too long.

  2. Gosh...Psylocke restarted?? Again?? What for??
    She won't remember anything, like Warren??
    The Shadowking has enough power to do that to her?? Or did he make her think that it is like that??

  3. I really hope she isn't restarted. That would be a shame. It would ruin her character. I don't think reminder will do that, I mean she was nothing but a background character in the other books but remender took her and changed that. He build her and I don't think he'll take away all that. Remender love surprises. I think psylocke should have killed the shadow king them she had the chance. Will she trap him again and lose her telepathy in the process????? Oh gosh I hope not.

    Anyway I just fear that the new writer, Sam would actually write psylocke with telekinesis. I mean I don't want him to. They should announce that she no longer have that power.

    One thing i'm really confused about is, can psylocke feel now? I mean does she have emotions? last time she told fantomax she didn't. But I saw her crying afterward. So what? can she feel love, hate, annoyed? I don't really understand.

  4. I really hope she's not like that cause I would hate to see how this all going to end. Odd, IF her Kwannon psyche kicks in or if this near future of her and Wolverine comes into play. It definitely see each member in dire situations and hopeful our British Butterfly shines more since becoming at Omega level and highly thanks AOA Jean for that!

  5. I doubt they would rewrite all of Remender's hard work with Psylocke quickly. I'm sure it's only temporary.

    On a side note, that fight was rather boring to look at.

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  7. Yes, I doubt this will be permanent. It's different from Warren's situation, because Warren DIED and the Life Seed created a new life inside his body; the Shadow King didn't kill Betsy, he just shattered her memory. I'm sure it can be reassembled.

    Plus, Remender will most likely make the X-Force defeat the Brotherhood by the end of his run, and Psylocke is the only telepath in the team; there's no one else in X-Force who could fight the Shadow King.

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  9. @Fabio

    It is the Death Armor. Wonder why she (or the artist) uses that Armor as her Astral Plane costume. She always use Lady Mandarin costume. Maybe the Astral fight always uses her most 'vicious' persona?

    And yeah.. I don't think this situation will be permanent. And I do think Betsy will defeat Shadow King next issue and regained her memory back. Along with her sorrow.

  10. I didn't notice what she was wearing the first time I looked at these pages. Wow, Betsy looks kinda skanky in this "armor" (at least the blue swimsuit covers her torso)...

  11. I love this death outfit. By the way, it covers her torso. She's got some kind of purple shell underneath. I don't understand this fixation with covering her body. I guess some 90s artists in the past took things a little too far with the thong look.

    I feel like there should be more words in these past few issues. I am all for character development, but it's too slow here, and too sparse. I know you wouldn't want to clutter the art too much with bubbles, but it feels kind of empty here. Uncanny Avengers was a satisfying read. This one wasn't so much, especially when compared to earlier issues of UXF. This astral plane battle was nonexistent. Because of how rushed it was (while the Evan part is being stretched out too long) I didn't buy the whole thing about this going on for years in the astral plane.

  12. I'll have to see how this arc concludes first but so far it really hasn't worked for me all that much....
    It just seems like Remander is using the same plot devices as in the previous stories. In the dark angel saga they went to the AoX, now they went to the future. etc.
    Maybe he was already preoccupied with Uncanny Avengers while writing this(?)

    Anyway, can't wait until the re-launch with our baby as the leader....

  13. I'll never understand why they felt the need to stick her in that "nonexistent" Astral armour, if you could call it that. Her Lady mandarin Armour is actually full covering, and maybe she wouldnt have taken such a mean hit. Psylocek and Armour go together, get her a suit. She's a warrior, but she's not unkillable.

    Another thing that drives me nuts, but I guess it's part of her character, it's been that way since the 70's. That girl sucks at defending her own mind lol. Come on Betsy tighten up!
