Friday, September 14, 2012

New Covers Featuring Psylocke

Milo Manara Psylocke cover not specified to which book. Find out on monday! Also, the Uncanny X-Force #35 Final Issue variant cover by Simone Bianchi.


  1. Mr Manara... thanks for reminding us about the atrocity that was "X-Women". Ugh.

  2. I loved X-Women. It was pretty fun for what it was.

  3. I think Manara's art is beautiful (as is Bianchi's). Manara does a lot of erotica so his stuff tends to be pretty sexed up, but still, I quite like it.

  4. I like Manara's art, too. And this cover is gorgeous; it actually isn't so sexed up as he usually draws women. This cover looks like some sort of Japanese painting.

    I loved both covers! Although it's curious how AoA-Nightcrawler and E.V.A. aren't featured in it instead of Archangel and Fantomex (both supposedly dead)...

  5. I think the Bianchi cover is just an older one that wasn't used... don't think there is any hidden meaning in it. And I think FSaker is right about Manara's not being as sexed up as his normal stuff. Hopefully this all means that she'll be a valueable part of MarvelNOW.

  6. Manara is pretty much the definition of an old european pervert but the fact is that he can draw. And if Marvel hires him to do a job, he'll do his job and stay within the boundaries that are set.

  7. I just hope they keep the X-force costume for her. After looking at this Manara cover, it's clear to me that she needs to keep the update. Now that Ms Marvel and it looks like the Scarlet Witch are no longer in their bathing suit uniforms, it would be nice if they made it Psylockes new standard uniform.

    But I am in no way complaining, it's great that she is sticking around and that she might get her own title.

  8. i am super excited now, which i wasnt up until this point.oh and i liked x-women too lol,for what it was of course. manara's art is beautiful.

  9. I'm pretty sure the Bianchi cover is just an homage to the original UXF lineup. I wouldn't read too much into it, guys.

    Also, the Manara cover is more than likely just a variant cover for as of now, an unannounced title. I don't think he will be interiors for any Marvel book, guys. :)
