Wednesday, August 1, 2012

X-Men #33 Spoilers

Spoilers: The X-Men head to the location of Dr. Gray’s lab, jumping out of the X-Jet. Colossus is attacked by a Proto-Mutant in the air, while Pixie gets Psylocke and Domino to the ground. Storm helps Colossus. Domino, Psylocke and Pixie are ambushed by more Proto-Mutants. Betsy urges Domino not to kill them, since they’re only victims. Psylocke pin-points the Lab a few levels underground by tracking Dr. Grey’s mind. Betsy then shows Colossus where he needs to land to find it. Colossus finds Dr. Grey who admits he didn’t have time to nurture his creatures properly for now. Dr. Grey then kills himself. Colossus finds Ister’s sister’s corpse and brings her to the surface so Psylocke can say goodbye to her, since she still has Ister’s feelings inside her. Colossus thinks this isn’t over considering Dr. Grey’s last words. Later, the X-Men burn the corpses of the Proto-Mutants and come to terms with having finding out about their ancestors. Colossus and Storm talk, and Ororo comes to the conclusion that perhaps Scott would’ve understand her. Storm then calls Cyclops.


  1. Hm I expected something more impactant...anyway, this issue seems that will be brought about to them again...

  2. Looking at the other solicitations for X-Men, it looks like the 'proto-mutants issue' will be a long running theme within the book. So while this particular story arc has finished, it is certainly not over.

  3. Man, Wood and Lopez have been kicking ass with this title... Wood's Ororo and Betsy are definitely the best!!!

  4. I've really been enjoying this arc. Wood and Lopez, under only four issues, have made this title an actual must-read. It's unreal.

    Though, this issue did feel slightly anit-climatic, but that doesn't detract from the quality of the issue.

  5. I was very close to dropping this title. Completely agree with everyone else. Glad I stuck with it!

  6. This book did improve a lot, didn't it? Too bad that it may be cancelled by the end of this year, alongside all the other cancelled X-books (UXM, Legacy, New Mutants)...

    If it does get cancelled (and assuming that Psylocke comes out of UXF's Final Execution arc alive), do you guys think that Bendis will use Betsy in his All-New X-Men book? On the one hand, it will be the main X-book, so it would be nice to see her there (plus, imagine her reaction meeting teen Warren); on the other hand, Bendis's writing is very hit-or-miss, so all the good characterization that Remender, Gillen and Wood have given her may be thrown out of the window...

  7. I'd hope not. He says the Extinciton Team'll be involved too, and, as she's more or less an Extinction member (as well as Utopia's security, but i think he'll be forgetting/ignoring that) it'd be a given. But he's a miss more than a hit, as invested as he seems in All New X-Men, i'm not expecting much from characters outside of the O5 and their counter-parts. Also, i'd hope this doesn't get cancelled, or if it does, then re-launched like Legacy (seemingly) is. With the same roster but a different title.
