Wednesday, August 29, 2012

AvX: Vs #5 Art


  1. Psylocke could have easily made Barton miss his shot or shoot an illusion...

  2. It was written by Matt Fraction.

  3. haha answers a lot of questions for me then...

  4. Technically Betsy would have no problem against Barton, but since the Avengers movie I'm sure Marvel would have no problems to say that he could shoot her before she had time to use her powers...

    I'm surprised he actually shot Angel after Warren had already stopped fighting. I guess Emma's attitude burning Hawkeye in AvX #6 is a lot more forgivable now.

  5. UGH! So much wrong with this...

    Working backwards:

    1) What's up with Emma's Colossonaut sized man hand in that last panel?

    2) I miss the old days when there was a distinction (in comics) between Telekinetics (Those with Telepathy AND Psychokinesis - i.e. Jean/Rachel/BETSY) & Psychokinetics (Justice/Gypsy Moth).

    Sorry - I digress... the point is, whether by shutting his brain down or snapping his neck - it annoys me that Psylocke's psionic capabilities were totally underplayed here. Even at her weakest TK she could deflect an arrow!

    3. What's up with all the weird noise ticks that New-Warren is making. Apparently the life seed also imbued him with turrets.

    1. I totally agree. The writer somehow forgot that psylocke is a telekenitic. As u can see angel said "telepathic ninja" rather than saying "psychic ninja". A psychic could mean both telepathy & telekinesis but a telepathic ninja means only a telepath, Why the writers r trying to take away her TK, she will die if they kept writing her this way. And Why didn't she shut down his mind while he was taking to angel? I don't know what's up with the writers these days. And after he shot angel, Why didn't she jumped on him ,kick him or something, isn't she ninja?

  6. Well it's she said more in those three panels than she ever did when Fraction was writing her in the main title.

    I just love how hawkeye conveniently has some kind of psi-resistant counter-measure but doesnt know who she is, even though she is one of the most powerful telepaths in the Marvel universe. Clearly Psylocke knows who he is. Daredevil didn't seem to know who she was either.

    She gets boiled down to being talked about like she is not there, "s'cute" and I guess the reason they didnt give her a coat because they needed the thong shot, even though I think they are running around in the snow.

  7. Maybe everyone is more familiar with her real body...?

  8. What a load of garbage.

    -Didn't Angel used to have some sort of poison in his feathers that would temporarily disable you? Or was that done away with at some point?

    -300 feet is actually pretty long distance for an arrow. A ninja would easily evade that.

    -Telepathic strike is instant. Faster than light actually.

    -Hawkeye took his eyes away from her. At that point all she needed to do was to move a little bit and send a nice psybolt at him.

    -Not attacking the fleeing Hawkeye was actually understandable since taking care of injured Angel was more important.

    -Fraction is a misogynistic hack.

  9. Well, this issue was about as craptastic as the rest of the arc. At least it's consistent.

    I'm over writers not doing their homework. Wikipedia says hi.
