Friday, July 13, 2012

X-Men #32 Preview

X-Men #32
Written by: Brian Wood
Pencils by: David Lopez
Cover by: Jorge Molina

The Story:
• Learn the secret origin of the proto-mutants.
• How long can Storm keep Cyclops from taking control of her team?

In Stores: July 18, 2012


  1. Storyline is curious and the art is pretty good! I am willing to know what Betsy discovered.

  2. Wood is writing a fantastic Betsy! Heck, the whole team is! Even Pixie.

  3. This book has really improved a lot in terms of plot! And David Lopez's art is great; I wouldn't complain if Marvel decided to put him and Will Conrad as the rotating artists in this book (as Conrad's art was the only thing saving this book when it was written by Gischler - Gischler isn't a bad writer, but I guess his style just doesn't fit with the X-Men... his Death of Dracula one-shot was excellent, though).

  4. I just noticed this: I really like how Lopez designed her sash more to be more like an obi.

  5. Butterflies are FLAMING like fire. Lots of pink & cool to see her actually use her powers again in a non ninja way. Huzzah
