Thursday, June 14, 2012

X-Men #30 Spoilers

Spoilers: Two years ago near the Caspian Sea in an archeological dig, mutant DNA that predates the accepted theory of when the x-gene first appeared is found. Dr. David Michael Gray kills the scientist who first found out about it and retrieves the samples. At the present time, Pixie is in a training session, working on teleporting to moving objects such as the X-Jet. Colossus briefs the team (Storm, Psylocke, Pixie and Domino) on the mission. Pixie teleports them to Grozy to stop a rampaging mutant monster. Colossus punches the monster, which quickly decomposes itself. Psylocke says the monster's nervous system was already compromised and rotted from the inside. The team gets a sample of it, and Storm decides to lie about it to Cyclops, saying they couldn't get a sample from the monster. Storm has Pixie teleports her to Finland, where they meet a grad student who works for Mutantes Sans Frontières. Storm hands her the sample in order to run whatever tests she can. Cyclops warns Storm's team about another monster in the North Sea. Colossus tries to face the monster undersea, while Domino shoots at it from the X-Jet. The monster gets upset and is about to destroy the Blackbird.


  1. Anyone wants to guess why is Storm doing this?? I am kinda curious...

  2. wish pixie wasnt on any x-team.

  3. I would take any of the new x-men kids over pixie

    1. Why? I mean she is always cheerful (and That's what the x-teams currently need) she is helpful when it comes to moving between places (u know, she is a flier & a teleportar) so she is more of a transportatin way to the team. Wait until she become 18 ,then Dr.strange will teach more spells, that when she will be powerful. Hey, can I ask u a question? I read uncanny x-force & I noticed that psylocke lost her TK (or the writer, remender won't use it) but in legacy & uncanny she still have it, also in her mini series, but does she have it her?? I didn't read these books yet.
