Thursday, June 7, 2012

X-Men #30 Preview

X-Men #30
Written by: Brian Wood
Pencils by: David Lopez
Cover by: Jorge Molina 

The Story:
• All-New Arc!
• Written by Brian Wood (WOLVERINE AND THE X-MEN ALPHA AND OMEGA, DMZ, Demo, Northlanders) with art by David Lopez (MYSTIC, NEW MUTANTS, Catwoman)


  1. Curious this team has mostly X-Women...

  2. Pixie could learn different spells besides teleporting too...It would be interesting. But would it cost some of her soul again?
    Can anyone tell me why Jubilee was taken out of the team and also John Proudstar?? I am from Brazil and haven't read about that yet.

  3. @Eduardo - Jubilee left the X-Men to join Raizo Kodo and the Forgiven (a clan of pacifist vampires that feed from animal blood instead of human blood) - although that didn't stop her from cameoing in some panels in Avengers Vs. X-Men #2.

    Warpath was taken out of the team for no reason other than the new writer (Brian Wood) admitting that he doesn't know Warpath well enough, so he decided to remove him from the team instead of risking to portray Warpath in a wrong way.

  4. As for the new cast, it reminds me of Xtreme X-Men. Not Pak's current Xtreme X-Men (which are actually the new version of Exiles), but Claremont's 2001 Xtreme X-Men: a group led by Storm, travelling around the world and composed almost exclusively by women.

  5. Hmm I understand. Thank you, Fernando!
    I don't think Jubilee added that much anyways...Colossus fulfills the strong guy type in the place of Warpath. Although I admit I would like to see him interacting with Betsy.

  6. Pixie is really a help to the team. I mean she is a teleportar & a flier. When she learn more spells from Dr.strange she will super powerful. The only thing that Buggs me is that she have to reapet words to teleport.
