Tuesday, May 22, 2012

An "Astonishing" Wedding

Psylocke attends Northstar and Kyle's wedding in Astonishing X-Men #51.


  1. Oh Betsy... this is a FORMAL event. LOL.

  2. yay!!! so happy this is taking place. I really love love love the new Astonishing X-men team.

  3. Nice cover! But I hope this marriage won't feel like just a shallow propaganda for gay marriages - the focus should be on Jean-Paul and Kyle as individuals, not as gay men (in other words, it should feel that they are marrying because they are two individuals who love each other, regardless of sexual orientation).

    Interesting that all the guests are either from Alpha Flight or from Wolverine's X-Men - yet, we see Storm, Psylocke and Dazzler in the cover. Could these three be planning to leave Utopia and join Logan's X-Men after AvX? Who knows?

    And yeah, I was going to criticize Betsy for attending a wedding wearing only her swimsuit - but then I realized that almost everyone there is wearing their super-hero uniforms, except for some of Logan's students, Kyle's parents (at least that's who I suppose they are) and Aurora. And if Storm can go in a swimsuit and Warbird can go with her breasts almost popping out, I guess it's okay for Betsy to wear what she is wearing...

  4. A small correction: besides Storm, Psylocke and Dazzler, Doctor Nemesis is also there...

  5. This makes me happy. I've always wanted more Psylocke-Northstar interaction, anyway.

  6. @Brian - Yeah, they should interact more often. Both Northstar and Psylocke were even among the few X-Men in the first cover for the Utopia crossover event, but they didn't really interact...

    Another Psylocke interaction I'd like to see would be with Kitty Pryde; not just talking, but actually fighting together. Considering how both women are A-list among the X-Men, it's surprising how little they have interacted (the gig in Claremont and Manara's X-Women, one time when they tried to save Rachel's family, and some minor conversations in UXF... they were never together in field missions).

  7. Not related to the subject of this post, but have you guys seen the news IGN has published (including a trailer and some screenshots) about Marvel Heroes?


    It's a MMO game from Marvel, supposedly similar to Diablo. As a MMO, it will need a huge load of characters, so I assume Psylocke will eventually be included in the roster (I mean, if even the Scarlet Witch is shown in the trailer, why couldn't Psylocke be there as well?). I hope this happens sooner than later.

  8. FSaker, you forgot one of my favorite times Bets and Kitty fought side-by-side. :-)

    Psylocke and Shadowcat did fight together one other time (outside the original Excalibur series)... back in X-Men Annual 9 or 10 when Mojo kidnapped the team and turned them into the original X-Babies.

  9. @Rahsaan - I didn't know about this team-up you mentioned. Thanks for the info!

    But I still feel that they should be teammates (REAL teammates, being in the same team at the same time; not both being in the X-Men but in different squads) for once. And I don't even like Kitty.

  10. They were both on the team then: http://www.comicvine.com/the-uncanny-x-men-annual-performance/37-111576/
