Monday, February 27, 2012

Avengers vs. X-Men Program


  1. Nice to see Psylocke being counted among the main X-Men! Too bad she's listed with Cyclops's X-Men, who will most likely be pictured as the bad guys in this event (kinda like how Iron Man's side was pictured as the bad guys in almost all the Civil War tie-ins, even if the main miniseries didn't show them as villains).

    I hope she gets to do a lot of things (on panel, of course) in AvX. And that she wins at least one battle, if she gets involved in the one-on-one brawls.

    And I also hope that Hope (no pun intended) survives. I know a lot of people don't like her, but damn, she's currently my second favorite Marvel character (do I need to say who is the first one?)...

  2. Ok so does Psylocke have telekinesis, or not?!

  3. @kflakes

    I know right? I wish they'd be consistant with it, even though I do enjoy Gillen's writing of Betsy.

  4. wish they stick to just telepathic ninja

  5. I'd have to agree. Just get rid of the telekenisis or minimize it to the way she used it in her miniseries. I loved here using it to augment her physical strength.

  6. Awesome. But I'm comfused is she officially in her British body or Japanese body?

  7. Nightlock,
    The drawing looks like a white woman to me. This is just one more reason why they should just officially put her in her proper body. Almost no artist depicts her looking Asian even when she is wearing the Kwannon body.

  8. It's Land. All of his characters look the same because they're traced. But I really hope Psylocke is officially in her ORIGINAL body!
