Monday, January 2, 2012

CBR's Top 100 Comics of 2011

6. Uncanny X-Force
Written by Rick Remender
Drawn by Jerome OpeƱa, Robbi Rodriguez, Mark Brooks, Billy Tan, Rafa Sandoval and Scot Eaton
Published by Marvel Comics

"Remender's 'Dark Angel Saga' sliced through Wolverine's black ops team without remorse in 2011, upholding this series' reputation for brutality, while never failing to sprinkle in a little Deadpool humor for good measure. For longtime followers of the X-Men, Warren Worthington, Psylocke and Apocalypse, the year was crammed full of heartbreak, suffering and shocking plot twists. All the while, though, the book's creative team kept revived characters and plot devices feeling fresh -- or at least as fresh as anything can feel in the unforgivingly dark world of 'Uncanny X-Force.'"

-- CBR Contributor Brian Warmoth

"Who would have thought this concept would work? Matching two overstylized words into the title should have been a giveaway and yet the industry was shocked when Rick Remender made a deadly team of most of the ubercool and oversaturated character into the must read of the Marvel U. The art, the dialogue, the nasty stories and the dedication to still being a superhero comic and yet meaning something below the taught tension of spandex makes 'Uncanny X-Force' the best 'mainstream' comic of the year."

-- CBR Reviewer Ryan K. Lindsay

"Has 'Uncanny X-Force' really only been going for a little over a year? Because it feels like Rick Remender and his all star team of artists have given us several years' worth of stories. The stories have all been excellent too. Best of all, Remender expertly weaves together threads from all of them to tell one epic tale."

-- CBR Staff Writer Dave Richards

1 comment:

  1. That's a deserved recognition. Uncanny X-Force is outstanding, definitely a good example of how superhero comic books should be done.

    I feel very happy every time I remember that Psylocke not only is in one of Marvel's best books (one could argue it is the best one, actually), but she's practically the main character in it. She deserves it!
