Wednesday, November 30, 2011

X-Men Legacy #259 Art

Psylocke cameos in X-Men Legacy #259


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. It IS Ariel - she's the only one who uses "doors" - but why bring her back? Is she related to the Phoenix force? Will she be joining Wolverine or Cyclops? Wolverine does need a teleporter since AoA Nightcrawler can't teleport whole teams. Plus I confuse her looks with Boom Boom too much - and she's in Utopia.

  3. Well I'm actually pretty happy about the fact that Ariel seems to be coming back. I'm not a fan of her but since Cable is coming back soon, us getting a replacement Kurt soon and even Johnny Storm returning soon at FF it's only a good thing that a b- or even c-list character like Ariel is coming back too and not treated as something that can be safely sacrificed as safe victim.

  4. Nathan and Johnny and Ariel coming back is the reason that I really have no use for Marvel these days... or comics, in general. That is, save for something, like The Walking Dead were main characters die and stay dead. Death has zero value in these books.. making them trite. Especially, given the world these poeple live in in these books. And, yes. I'm of the mind that the story should have remained that Jean bonded with the Phoenix and died on the moon... not a clone of her... and that she should still be ashes in that cave (or scattered by cosmic winds) to this day.

  5. Ariel coming back is not really that big of an issue, in my opinion. She did "die" in a car explosion, but she was next to a door! The writers even stated when asked if Ariel was dead, "She was next to a door" [not exact quote]. Even in this Legacy arc, she seems to be trapped halfway through a teleportation. So technically, I don't think she ever died, just stuck.

    As for Nathan, I don't agree with him returning, but I guess he is just a plot device for the HUGE event in 2012. However, for Johnny, he is my favorite character of comics and I just rolled my eyes, initially, when hearing that he returned. But I read the actual issue, and it was a legitimate return. I loved how unique and interesting his return was [I won't spoil it for those who don't want to be spoiled]. Hickman stated that he always had this planned, rather than just wanting to bring the character back.

    But yes. Other returns such as Nathan and Bucky are really pointless, enforcing the idea that their deaths were meaningless.

  6. So many characters would be gone if they kept the dead is dead, Psylocke being one of them

  7. @TreySome

    So True!

    Anyway I had just began to fall in love with Ariel's character before they killed her so if she returns its all good for me

  8. trey,

    Precisely. That's why these darned writers shouldn't kill so capriciously. Kill when it really will have an impact a la Dark Phoenix... and don't resurrect.

    I love Psylocke. I love Cypher. I love Magik.

    However, if they'd stayed dead, I'd always love them nd respect Marvel for not backtracking and trying to undo their plot devices.

    Every great fantasy/sci-fi show I've loved kills off major characters, and the shows are awesome, because their deaths haunt you until the end... seasons later or even after the show itself has ended. That's real and gripping.

    When a Marvel character dies, I'm just like, "Okay. See you in a few years."

    Best quote in the history of X-Men books... “This will only be the third or so time you've had to bury her. It must be getting rather tedious, Scott dear. These reruns of your grief.” - Emma Frost

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  10. It's so funny when you think of all the characters they have killed and brought back so easily. Esp Human Torch's since they made such a big deal over it and then quietly brought him back.
