Wednesday, November 2, 2011

X-Men #20 Art



  1. It's not the best butterfly effect, but I like how will conrad's art looks like...

  2. That's too bad. The "butterfly" has been (I thought) a staple effect to the character and further makes her unique from all the other telepaths in Marvel.

    Don't like the hair. Don't like the overall color tones, too much blue, really. But it's not bad! We've seen worse.

  3. I like it. Finally more Asian looking than on any recent panel.

  4. Say what you will but I actually like the darker shade of hair. It's not black but it's not full on purple either. It's more of a rinse & considering her hair is black & dyed purple it wouldn't be to bright without bleaching it some first.

  5. Great art!

    Have any of you read this issue? How was it? Gischler's book never impressed me much, but his last arc (with the X-Men and the FF in Savage Land) was actually good.

    I hope this issue was better than the last arc, though. Now that this book is allowed to have its own team, there's no reason for it not to shine on its own.

  6. I personally don't like the way Psylocke is drawn in this issue. I know she is Asian, but I don't remember Betsy getting down syndrome as seen in the last panel of the first page of the issue 20 preview.I also can't stand her hair, the straight choppy bangs and stringy hair just adds to the ugliness, and Betsy is supposed to be one of the most beautiful X-women. I can appreciate some of the art in this issue, but Ill take Greg Land any day over this!
