Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Full Covers for "Uncanny X-Men" & "Wolverine and The X-Men"

Uncanny X-Men #1 and #2 by Carlos Pacheco

Wolverine and The X-Men #1 and #2 by Chris Bachalo


  1. Is that blonde on the cover of Wolvie & X-Men no. 1 Dazz? I hope so! BTW, I hate the cover art. I like the concept/stance with all of the team looking down t you, but hate the way they're rendered. Not a fan of cartoonish-looking art.

  2. so we're getting AOA Nightcrawler for X-Force, and multiple mini-Nightcrawler clones for Wolverine and the X-Men? That's kind of overkill if you ask me.

  3. "Wolverine and the X-Men" seems to bring a good number of new characters. The mini-Nightcrawlers are quite surprising. So is the little kid that looks like a viper or a Brood alien. And although some people are speculating that the strong guy with a mohawk is Erg or Legion (but since when either of them had so much muscle mass??), I think it's a new character as well.

    As for the blonde girl, it could be either Dazzler, Husk or another new character. I think it's Husk, as in the second W&tXM cover we see a girl made of stone (sure, that one could be Bling, but it would be weird to feature her in the second cover but not in the first one).

    Anyway, I like how this team seems completely unexpected. It looks weird, but so did Morrison's cast back in 2001, and his run turned out to bring a lot of interesting characters (Fantomex, the Cuckoos, Quentin Quire, No-Girl, Cassandra Nova...).

    The "Uncanny X-Men" cast seems more conventional. Still, I'm glad to see that Emma returned to the short shorts/panties! I think bolder clothes fit with Emma's bold personality (well, at least with the personality she used to have before she became Scott's girlfriend...). And I like that Hope is in the team!

    It sucks that Psylocke isn't in any of the two main teams, apparently. But maybe that's why she's in both Gold and Blue sides; as she is in both covert-ops teams (Storm's squad and Logan's X-Force), she can be in both sides without one side knowing that she's also participating of the other one... she wouldn't be able to pull that off if she was in one of the "public faces" teams.

  4. You know those "mini Nightcrawlers" remind me of the clonened Nightcrawlers that had other X-Men's powers in "Here Comes Tomorrow!" Creeeepy, indeed.

  5. Random question. Do any of you miss Rogue's hair with the stripe right down the middle from the old days? Like this picture:

    I also miss her playful personality!

  6. And this is the Storm that I miss:

    Let's hope that adjectiveless X-Men gives her back some fierceness!

  7. @Rahsaan: I don't feel that Rogue's hair has changed, really. If anything it's just shorter, and doesn't extend, or is brushed, towards the back anymore. Same hair, different stylist.

    And I am near certain that the blonde in suspect is actually Magik. If you look to the left of Cyclops's hip, you can see what looks to be the end of a sword. Given the posture of the blonde in question, she could be holding said sword.

  8. Vigmed,

    We're talking about the blonde on Wolvie # 1. Different team and cover.

    As for rogue's hair, her stripe is more like the Anna Paquin one than the one down the middle that she used to wear (or the streaks that she had on both sides of her head when she was introduced... hated that look!) Since her white hair goes from root to tip, I doubt she's just coming it differently. Has it ever been established in canon, whether she dyes that streak in or not?

  9. @Rahsaan I agree with you about Rogue! She just isn't the same and people say powers don't make a character, but ever since she's just had her "leech" powers, she's just as boring... Not to mention Hope has been upstaging her big time with her power lol

    I've dropped Legacy it's been so boring :/

  10. CmX,
    You know... I don't mind Rogue being in control of her powers. I think it's a nice evolution to the character after like 30 years!! However, I do hate how they've watered her down. All the spunk and sass is gone. Hell, half the time they barely write her with her Louisiana accent! What happened to all the attitude coupled with her southern charm? That's what endeared her to all of us!

  11. So, which is the favorite team for each of you so far?

    I still haven't decided mine yet. On the one hand, I like how Gold Team brought several surprises, and I'm curious to find out more about punk guy, Brood kid and the mini-Nightcrawlers (and to find out who is the blonde girl). I also like Quentin Quire (couldn't care less about Beast, Iceman and Kitty Pryde, though). And the fact that they are residing again in a school for "gifted youngsters" makes it very nostalgic!

    On the other hand, Blue Team has Hope, Namor and Storm, all three of them being characters I love. And even though Emma Frost has been quite boring for the last couple of years, Gillen is making her interesting again (I loved her craziness in the Fear Itself tie-in), and the fact that she returned with the short shorts is a plus!

    If Psylocke is added to any of the main teams, then that main team will be my favorite. But for now, I still can't decide which one I prefer.

  12. F,

    I actually adore Beast, Iceman and Shadowcat (does she still go by this?) I think Wolvie an the X-Men is my favorite lineup. That's if we don't count X-Force! Don't know who the new members are Remender is adding, but I'm certain they''ll rock. Once he confirms, I've the sneaking feeling that'll be my top lineup.

  13. I'm digging Chris Bachalo's art. I love how much creativity there is in comic book art these days. You have people like Bachalo whose stuff is slightly surreal, then you have fantastic sleek stuff like Adi Granov. Greg Land is the only artist out there whose work I can say I completely dislike. As far as teams go, I'm definitely more interested in Wolvie's side, especially with X-Factor, and I think Peter David is brilliant, but I'm interested in Uncanny with Kieron Gillen writing it, who I think is quite talented as well.

  14. Oh, I see. THAT blonde, hm. Absolutely no idea! lol

    Wondering if the two "Nightcrawlers" on the left are his half-brothers Abyss and ... ? The name escapes me. I remember Abyss looking similar to Kurt at least in that one issue where their father had gathered them all for some evil purpose as villains tend to do. Feels like a long time ago.

    Favorite team? A book with Psylocke is a given. So, I think I am most looking forward to reading X-Factor. So glad Alex and Lorna are back! I've always liked them more than Jean and Scott. Kinda wish Boom Boom was in this group, but for some reason I get the feeling she may end up in X-Force. Which would be awesome.

  15. Emma looks like a skank but then again when doesn't she?

    Its to bad Psylocke isn't with Wolverine's side full-time. I'd love to see her teach at the Jean Grey academy. What do you guys think Psylocke would be qualified to teach?

  16. Regarding the "Crawlers", aren't they clones made by Dark-Beast (which I think is the Beast on Logan's team...) ?

    Rogue : she's now in control of her powers, she got to lead her own team and was until recently in charge of younger mutants. I just think she has matured... She's my favorite character and so far, I'm not disappointed regarding her evolution...

  17. @Säge - I don't think it's Dark Beast; at least in the cover for issue #2, Beast has the usual cat face that only he has.

    @whitephoenix - Good question! Maybe she could teach martial arts. Or physical education (after all, Bachalo himself showed in the past how Betsy loves to stretch and all).

  18. About Beast:!/jasonaaron/status/119116099261440000

  19. i was randomly thinking... would you like Mohawk Storm in Uncanny X-Force team? i would

  20. With or without powers? I guess Mirage has replaced Storm as the kickass chick who can lead a team of X-Men sans powers.

  21. As always, Marvel is doing something just to erase it one or two years later.

    Wanda is restoring the depowered mutants (seen with Rictor). So Moonstar is gonna get hers back in a blink of a eye...

  22. On the subject of Rogue,yes i agree,her sassy southern spunk seens to be gone,legacy has been boring me for a while now.its not bad writing or art,its just the charaters are so......bleh,its like none of them have any life in them.Im just not feeling it.Still sticking with it tho (for now)

    Wolverine & the X-men (tho i resent the title) will be 1st on my want list,Bachelo is perfection in my oppinion and the team seem a bit more interesting than the blue (tho once again Kitty is a tad boring) but the last few months have made me fall in love............WITH IDIE.REALLY want to read more of her,and the wolverine relationship is so old skool it makes me happy.MOREEEE IDIEEEEE

    Hope the blonde is Dazz,bitch needs more screen time.

    Oh and does anyone feel like the blue team is the "grown ups" almost the dull ones?

    Im not sure what it is but i think between X-Force and the Buffy comics,i want to see a bit more lively charaters without taking away from the serious situations they are in.

    That whole post seems a bit moany,sorry lolz

  23. Not moany at all, Psy! Could not have said it better!

  24. Though, I will always be a Pryde fan from way back when.

  25. According to Jason Aaron's twitter, the blonde girl is Husk. He said that he couldn't have a book drawn by Bachalo without a Generation X character (for those who don't remember, Generation X is one of Bachalo's most memorable works).

  26. Lol Rashann,i like Kitty too,BUT she is being a tad whiney recently lol.but sure it wouldnt be Kitty "PROFESSOR X IS A JERK" Pryde is she wasnt i suppose hehe.

    and its not Dazz then BUT i am a fan of Husk (forgetting the whole icky angel relationship/sex thing she had going on a few years ago) Generation X is still on of my favourite of all time X-eras.Would love to see the forgotten next-x-men get more screnn time.
