Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Marvel Reveals "Gold Team"

New reveals on Wolverine's Gold team are Deadpool, Iceman, Shatterstar, Wolfsbane & Layla Miller.


  1. You missed Wolfsbane right there at the top right!

  2. Yeah, Wolfsbane is in the picture. But it's understandable why she wasn't listed; just as Storm in yesterday's teaser, Rahne is barely visible in today's teaser.

    I wonder if Psylocke will be revealed this week already. It's quite obvious where she is, of course...

  3. Oops! You're right thanks for catching that! I updated the blog literally minutes before walking out the door for class haha fixed though :D

  4. Aw! I was hoping that UXF were going to be Blue Crew. Well, it won't stop me buying the book for a heartbeat, but all the same I am a touch dissapointed.

  5. I always preferred the gold team thanks to one special redhead.

    With Psylocke in UXF, Polaris most likely in X-Factor, and either Ray or AOA Jean in WATXM I might just pick up the whole Gold Team line!
