Thursday, April 7, 2011

Uncanny X-Force #12 Cover Revealed


  1. If this happens inside the actual issue, then there's really got to be some major moments between these two before then.

    Not that I mind... I like Warren, but for some odd reason I'm all for Fantomex and Betsy.

  2. have to admit i totally like this

  3. Although Remender made me like Warren, I must admit that I always preferred Fantomex to be Betsy's lover. So, I loved this cover!

    But covers can deceive us, so we should not take conclusions before we get to know more about the story... maybe they won't really be kissing, maybe it's Archangel hallucinating about it and going bloodthirsty after them...

    Anyway, issue 12 is part of the Age of Apocalypse arc, right? That means Archangel isn't the only person that Psylocke should avoid if there is any flirtation with Fantomex; AoA-Sabretooth may have issues with it as well...

  4. Has Fatomex ever shown his face?

  5. I just hope Psylocke doesn't end up being with ALL the members of the team. If its just Warren/Fantomex, sure, but I don't want to see the skank/sl*t label thrown on her (I know a lot of people that aren't fans of her only see her as "the skank that walks around in the buttfloss" & stories like these don't help that).
    Of course, this is just a cover release, & the story may be astounding. Who knows?
    I do hope this isn't one of the covers that has nothing to do with the story.
    I also am loving the emphasis isn't on her ass. I mean, sure, it's fricking OUT there, but the focus is the kiss, & her ass isn't exaggerated (it even looks - gasp - realistic!!) She looks Asian & gorgeous though I swear I've seen this pose somewhere. Just like with the Warren/Vampire cover previously...
    Anyway, the white sash is fab. Any chance we'll ever see her in head to toe white with a black sash? hehe

  6. FSaker and QKC pretty much summed up my thoughts on this. :D

  7. I'd like to see Warrens reaction...
