Monday, February 28, 2011

Psylocke by Mark Brooks

Mark Brooks will be drawing an arc of Uncanny X-Force starting with issue #11 on sale this June.


  1. I really don't like how low-slung her sash or belt is, it looks like it's falling off, but I like the way her face and body look. I really like that she's curvy without having that ridiculous teensy waist and massive thighs combo you see sometimes in comics.

  2. You guys should check photographs of a Hardcore Psylocke fan with Psylocke Tattoo my friend took.

  3. I disagree with Psyknight. I LOVE how low-slung her sash or belt is. I hate when the sash is right below her breats. It looks dated and JeansMom-ish.

  4. "JeansMom-ish" HA! Best word of the day! Hat's off to you, Christopher.

  5. Chris, what are you talking about? When has it ever been "right below her breasts" and who would want it that high? Not me. I would want it at her waitst, you know where a belt is supposed to be worn. Not at the top of her crotch, like in this picture.

  6. Sorry, waist, not waitst.

  7. I like the way she looks very fit but not overly muscular. Like a fighter not a bodybuilder.

  8. She looks so hot!! I love it!!

  9. she looks good here. but im still afraid of Brooks tone. it doesnt fit Opena or Ribic

  10. I agree with jarim77. She's got just the right kind of muscle. :)
