Monday, January 24, 2011

Wolverine and Jubilee #1 Art

Jubilee reminisces the events of the day Storm, Psylocke, Rogue and Dazzler saved her during a shopping spree in Uncanny X-Men #244.


  1. The artist needs to get his stuff straight. The outfits in the flashback are all-wrong. Elizabeth looks kind of Asian here. And Allison did not have longish hair at this. How hard is it to get one's hands on an archived copy of the issue to make sure your draw the flashback correctly? Especially, if you're working for the very same company that published the original issue?

  2. ^
    I really don't think that's a big deal...

  3. Ben, I'm admittedly neurotic about flashback scenes. I even hate when they do them wrong in film and TV.

  4. I Got a copy of the jubilee comic and I'd like to know why she's seventeen still? That means she's the exact same age as X23!

    I thought she was older then the rest of the young x-men!

  5. Yeah I was going through my dad's old X-issues and the flashback while nice is all off. Then again I figured they took liberties with their looks to not seem so dated as 89. It seems every time marvel ages her sooner or later the regress her. I figure if M can sleep with Maddrox she has to be over 18, maybe 21. The same for Paige & her relationship with Angel. Then most of the New Mutants are suposed to be in there early 20's which hurts the surviving Gen-x kids ages. Jubilee was the youngest of Gen-x but the last time she was used New Warrior/Wolverine I figured she should at least be 18 almost 19. I figured that would have her a good age where she's old enough to no longer be considered a high school/academy student but still young enough for her to have some camaraderie with the current X-kids.

  6. So does Jubilee get cured of your vampire state?? I wonder if she gets the x-gene back in the process.. She certainly is too boring as just a simple human, also i don't think she uses her Wondra gear anymore..

  7. Well, it was most likely a mistake of this issue's artist, but... maybe this could be Jubilee's interpretation of the first time she saw the X-Women? I mean, sometimes we do confuse our memories, so maybe she's remembering this event but remembering the X-Women as the way she got more used to them: Psylocke as Asian (and scantily-clad, apparently), Dazzler with long hair (maybe she's a fan of Dazzler's good old days), etc.

    It's a cool homage, nevertheless.

    Regarding Jubilee's age, I haven't read this "Wolverine and Jubilee" book, but she's definitely not a minor anymore. Probably somewhere between 18 and 20 years old. Still behaving like a 15 year-old girl, though (it seems heroes who entered this life very young can't mature emotionally; see Kitty Pryde's constant tantrums, for example).

  8. FSaker, Jubilee herself states she's 17 in this issue. As hard as it is to believe it, it kinds fits with the New Mutants book where they say it's only been 5 years since Inferno or Fraction's Uncanny where Cannonball says he's 21.

    So by this logic, Betsy has only been in her Asian body for 4, 5 years in Marvel time. And out of those years, she spent one year dead. haha

  9. Wait, so was Bets still in her White body around the time Jubilee joined the X-Men?

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. Although there are historical discrepancies, this brings back fond memories of the 80s...

  12. Betsy doesn't really seem to have prominent Asian features in that last pane...

  13. -------
    So does Jubilee get cured of your vampire state?? I wonder if she gets the x-gene back in the process..

    I really hope so. The recent vampire stuff in X-Men has been embarassing. X-books should not try to follow trends. They should create them.

    If they really add a vampire to the cast because of Twilight(?) being so big at the moment it's a really huge facepalm moment IMO.

  14. ------
    Wait, so was Bets still in her White body around the time Jubilee joined the X-Men?

    Depends on what you mean by joining.
    Bets was still in her white body when Jubes followed them to their outback base. But Jubes didn't really 'join' them at the time. She was just hiding in that small room she found.

  15. I see. Thank you very much, jarim77. I guess the better question is: was Bets still in her White body when she first met Jubilee?

  16. Yes, Betsy was still in her British body when she had first met Jubilee at the mall with Ororo, Rogue, and Alison.
