Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Psylocke ClipArt Collection Update

I've added three new Psylocke ClipArts to our "Psylocke ClipArt Collection: Looks Through The Years": Psylocke as Viper's Pawn from Wolverine #125, Psylocke as seen in "X-Women" and Psylocke as seen in "Uncanny X-Force". Happy New Year. =D

If you have no idea what I'm talking about, here's the rest of our ClipArts. If you plan to use them, please be nice and credit us. Are we missing any Psylocke look?


  1. Glad you're still making these. They look like old fashioned paper dolls, but of Psylocke! haha

  2. I didn't know this blog had these ClipArts (to be honest, I didn't even know what a ClipArt is until now).

    They look great! She looks a little chubbier in the Uncanny X-Force one, but Opena's art is so beautiful that she looks stunning (plus, I kinda like chubby girls).

    What's the story about her being Viper's pawn? She looks cool in this outfit (I wouldn't like it to become her regular outfit, but for an arc where she's a villainess it looks appropriate), but I didn't know she has worked for Viper in the past...

  3. Amazing! only Age of Apocalypse Betsy is missing

  4. That "X-Women" outfit is ridiculous.

  5. @Brian - You should have seen Kitty's outfit in X-Women then... or worse, Storm's.

    They didn't choose to wear these clothes (although Betsy kinda enjoyed hers), and they change their clothes two or three times throughout the story, so it's nothing to worry about.

  6. And damn, her X-Treme outfit was so cool, it was a great update of the original blue bathing suit... it's a shame that she only wore it for five issues (including the Reload one where she was revived and only wears it for a couple of panels), and she was dead in two of them...

  7. @FSaker, It was an arc where Viper controlled the women from Wolverine's life to attack him. They all wore green (Betsy, Jean, Rogue, Black Widow, Tyger Tiger, etc.)

    @Francis, I have plans for Alternate Realities Psylocke too. But right now I'm just too lazy lol.

  8. My favorite is picture number 2. I also like the Captain Britain costume. Question is that a wig/headpiece she's wearing as Captain Britain.

    Also, does anyone have any scans of her as Captain Britain? I've never seen pictures from that era aside form this one which is from a cover of the series? I'd really like to see that fateful issue when Slaymaster mutilated her. Macabre. I know.

  9. I`d rather have this outback betsy http://tinypic.com/r/104i36g/7
    and this exiles http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/thumb/4/4d/318640-80191-psylocke_super.jpg/180px-318640-80191-psylocke_super.jpg

  10. you are missing steel betsy from that annual, that pretty much defined Psylocke decades ago..

  11. I love the Revolution, Australian Outback, House of M and the Reload outfit, even if the Reload outfit is "generic" it looks so damn good on her. I particularly love how the Revolution, House of M and Reload outfit show just enough skin to be sexy without looking too hypersexualized.

  12. I have to say that Mutant Massacre outfit really was awful I always wondered what was the point of those drape bits on the legs and the puffy sleeves ewww!

    My favorites are the Revolution and Reload outfits and agree with Psyknight those outfits look sexier than the bathing suit. I used to think the bathing suit outfit was cool back in the 90's but now I think it's ridiculous and dated.

    It makes me cringe that they keep portraying her with that costume and her arse hanging out all the time. I think the longer outfits with just a bit of skin are more classy for our Lady Braddock than the trashy ones ick!
