Wednesday, December 8, 2010

X-Position + New Covers

Next week's X-Position: In seven short days, Rick Remender - the writer of "Uncanny X-Force" - visits CBR to answer any question about his unique team of mutant mercenaries. Send your Psylocke/X-Force questions to (Put "X-Position" in the subject line).

Also, here's Chris Bachalo's cover for "Age of X: Alpha" and David Mack's upcoming (?) Psylocke cover. :]


  1. OMG. The Psylocke cover is gorgeous.

  2. So, is there going to be another Psylocke solo series?

    I agree that the Psylocke cover is gorgeous. I especially like that her breasts are somewhat "subdued", as in they are full without being humongous.

  3. The cover's nice. However, I never understand why the keep trying to make it as though Betsy has an affinity with the Orient. She's anglo in mind and spirit. Why do they have her dressed that way... with Japanese characters in the background? The character is English.

  4. that cover is from 5 RONIN, new miniseries.

  5. Thanks for the deads up OS! I'll update the blog :D

  6. Well said Rahsaan.
    I think Marvel would prefer everyone to forget this.
    (Especially not allowing Claremont to bring her back in her "caucasoid incarnation" - I can't say British body, as that would say Fabian Nicieza's terrible story was right haha)
    But you are right.
    I think it is because it makes them money. period.
