Thursday, September 2, 2010

Wolverine: Road To Hell #1 Art


  1. Yup, Warren and Betsy are definitely together again. I thought I was going to hate that, but in this story they kinda make a nice couple. She looks great, too!

    But it's such a pity that neither Betsy nor the X-Men actually appeared in The Children's Crusade #2, even though the solicits for this issue mentioned an all-out war between the X-Men and the Avengers...

  2. And now they're back TOGETHER, TOGETHEEEEEEEER!!!
    He wants to show her his love is oh so true!
    And all the love she has is especially for hiiiiiim!!!

    OMG OMG OMG ♥ ♥ ♥

  3. I really really hope Bets doesn't become the token object of desire/affection girl between Fantomex and Angel, or a one-line wonder.

    but Jean-Pierre is right, she is one of the good ones!

  4. Loving it already! really think this small roster is very good for character development...hope it busts Betsy´s personality and popularity! Can´t wait for october!!!

  5. @fsaker

    What a jip I got the children crusade #2 an was so disappointed! How could marvel lie like that. I won't be buying the rest of this series with out previewing it first.

  6. Great she is back to being Warrens possession, hooray....

  7. Considering their history is more likely Warren is the one back to being Betsy's little bitch.

  8. @8:37 Anonymous

    Yes, it was frustrating, indeed. Well, at least the story and the art in The Children's Crusade are really good, so I guess you weren't completely disappointed. Still, I hope the next solicits are clearer about what we're going to see in each issue...

  9. Is that a stuffed Predator X in the first shot of Cavern-X? And what's in all those tubes...backup costumes?

  10. I love the panel where Fantomex tells everyone that he's a vegetarian and asks for meatless options. It looks like Betsy, Warren, and Logan are thinking "...really?!" and rolling their eyes.

    I think this team has great potential for some wonderful interaction and characterization, which has been missing in the other X-Books. If the creators of Uncanny X-Force keep the roster small, there will be lots of potential to let each of the characters (especially our girl Psylocke)shine in the spotlight.

  11. I agree, a small roster is welcome. Although Remender said (to CBR, if I'm not mistaken) that this isn't the final roster.

    Well, Kyle and Yost had a roster of 8 characters, and everyone got to shine in it (well, except for Wolfsbane), so I guess two or three later additions to the roster wouldn't kill. Although I'm already satisfied with the five characters we got so far.

  12. Hmm, I do want an explanation of what happened to Warren and Husk. C'mon, even just a sentence or two! Not that I liked that relationship. But then, I don't like Betsy and Warren either... ;)

  13. Warren and Husk broke up a long time ago. See "Secret Invasion: X-Men"

  14. Is no one else seriously pissed off that Betsy is suddenly Warrens again? I mean atleast a story showing how this travesty happened would have been nice!

  15. I hope they stick with these five for the hole first they get to be deleoped and shine as individuals....and if they add someone later I really hope they add only two more....Havock, Polaris and Domino would be cool. But not the three!

  16. Ugh i totally didnt want them to be a couple again.

  17. I agree with anonymous 3:31. I don't like that after years of showing us almost no dialogue exchange between the two they're suddenly a couple again. I'm no Betsy/Warren shipper but this should have been developed far more carefully and on panel. No "sure they've been dealing with their issues and re-bonding, just off panel." That feels like such a cop out. No i'm scared about how they're going treat Bets in general.

  18. I hope im wrong but i have a feeling she is regressing into the nineties crimson dawn im a bad chick with no personality again.

  19. We really don't know what has happened with them or if they are completely "back together". This was only a 8 page back up and i'm sure we will see the actualy development within the Uncanny X-Force book.
