Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Uncanny X-Force Trailer

Newsarama: Check out this newly created trailer made for Uncanny X-Force by Marvel!


  1. Wow, great trailer! Nice recap of the last years of the X-Men, and Psylocke thrusting her psi-knife in the head of that giant demon is EPIC!!

    Is that little boy in the end Apocalypse? If so, killing him may be very difficult, as even cold-blooded killers may feel uncomfortable with killing a child. I don't think Betsy would have the courage to do it; Fantomex probably wouldn't either. Good for X-Force that they have Deadpool in the team...

  2. Yum! This is the kind of comic I've wanted to see Psylocke in for fifteen years.

  3. Oh my shit! This is beyond amazing.

  4. Nice! Note to self: psyknifing a demon can be a bad.
