Monday, September 13, 2010

Sneak Peek: Campbell Uncanny X-Force Variant


  1. Nice Picture! I ,love that Psylocke is the only female on the team so she'll always be front and center.

    Sex sells and better yet attractive women sell and if you don't believe me check out the Black Eyed Peas sales before Fergie joined the group.

  2. So much nicer than the Liefeld one. That guy has no concept of proportion and can't draw feet.

  3. Awesome cover. I'm not going to celebrate the fact that sex sells haha. But anyway it is an awesome cover. Betsy looks great & I loves eeing her with black hair.

  4. I don't know how to contact cmx or luckystar to ask this, & it isn't on the topic of this post (the variant cover).
    Does anyone have a comprehensive list of all comics that feature Betsy? Even in the pre-Xmen days in Captain Britain Comics? I have four trade's that have Uncanny 455 to Storm's trip in Africa, & I'm trying to go back farther, as well as ahead (New Exiles, what issues of Exiles was she in before it turned into New Exiles, then she was in New Excalibur before that)

    Thank you so much. I wanted to request this of the butterfly-blogspot site.

  5. @Butterfly Beyond.

    The top panel lists # of appearances in each title. If you click on the titles it lists the exact issues.

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. SoulTapestry, beat me too it! lol Thanks :)

  8. If you want a chronological order of Betsy's appearances/issues. A great place to visit is .

    You can toggle the show/hide of the table "Chronological Appearances (by Publication)" at the top. It seems to be up to date and definitely helped me!

  9. Great cover! So the first issue of Uncanny X-Force will have FIVE options for cover?? Marvel is really investing on this title, let's hope that it pays off, both in terms of quality and success!!

  10. i'm sorry but i don't know where to post x-23 #1. you will not like what's written about psylocke.

  11. Wow, threeclawseach... really? I don't know what could be so terrible in the story to upset us...

    Does Laura curse Betsy? Do they fight? Is Psylocke hurt?

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. This comment has been removed by the author.

  14. No but one of those sorry excuses for unwanted bitches that call themselves 'cuckoos' talks shit about her behind her back. After that the little tart tries to make a pass at Hellion by offering to feed him pizza but he tells her to take her pity and shove it.

  15. Okay, so I talked to a friend who read the issue and he told me that one of the Cuckoos said that Psylocke has cellulite. Not a cool comment, I know, but I was afraid it would be something meaner.

    Most women in the world have cellulite anyway, even the fit ones. And most men (the straight ones, at least) don't care at all about it. Betsy, as a mature and fit woman, probably doesn't care either; with or without cellulite, she's hot (much hotter than all three Cuckoos combined). And she knows it.

  16. Plus, the Cuckoo could be just lying about Betsy to justify her torturing diet, since she's the only one who allegedly saw this cellulite...

  17. Hey FSaker,

    Betsy's body wouldn't actually be the issue - they're developing the Cuckoo's personal character through dialogue and interaction to add some dimension. Betsy's body is so obviously bangin' so naturally e Ms. Cuckoo tries to knock it out of youthful insecurity, and of course the other female telepath would be the natural competition and target for trash talk. It doesn't mean Betsy actually has cellulite (and anyway, ALL girls have some degree of cellulite). Cuckoo is just being an adolescent immature girl, trying to knock down the competition. Unfortunately for her, Betsy's body is a 10 - and Psylocke is pretty much untouchable in that regard.

    Cuckoo: fail
    Psylocke: win

  18. Remember the Cuckoos our Emma's clone children so I'm not surprised that they'd be insecure because Emma seemed to really be intimadated by Psylocke when she came back to the x-mansion after that mission in the savage land when rachel turned into a dino girl.

  19. @Great Black North. Yes, seems as though the Cuckoos are acting similar to Emma here...

  20. I know this is a bit of a digression, but I am still wondering if Psylocke is going to make Marvel vs. Capcom 3. I've seen some unconfirmed reports online mentioning DLC characters.... I wonder if Psylocke's resurgent popularity and her being in X-Force gives her a stronger chance of appearing...

  21. This also doesn't have anything to do with the current discussion, but this is funny and involves Psylocke, so ..


    ^^ So I found a list of issues. Thank you, comicvine was nice, but VERY confusing. That one was better.
