Friday, August 13, 2010

Uncanny X-Men #527 Preview

Cover by: Terry Dodson
Writer: Matt Fraction
Pencils: Whilce Portacio & Leonard Kirk
Inks: Ed Tadeo, Leonard Kirk & Jay Leisten
Colored by: Brian Reber
Lettered by: VC's Joe Caramagna

The Story:
“The Five Lights” The fallout of Second Coming is still taking its toll on the X-Men. We can’t tell you anything else until the end of Second Coming! Part 2 (of 5)

In Stores: August 18, 2010


  1. At this point, I think we may have to wait until October with Uncanny X-Force in order to see Psylocke in a featured role.

  2. September! We have the Uncanny X-Force prelude in "Wolverine: Road To Hell" next month ;p

    Uncanny now can die in a fire for all I care.

  3. Cecilia Reyes!! and on recon with Betsy! Two of my all-time favorite X-Men. Wish Cecilia had a main role again. I love her sarcasm and her chemistry with Bobby Drake and Marrow!

  4. Its awesome that Psylocke is in this issue, but whey does she have to wear her bathing suit to visit that guy and his parents...its kind of inappropriate, she's not even in battle.

  5. Anonymous 8:54, it is highly inappropriate.

  6. Because Portacio is inappropriate.

  7. i hate the art. A LOT!

  8. glad she´s in one of the teams to get one of the five lights...but this art is sooo bad! I used to like him in X-Men Gold Team! lol at Emma...kissing Namor on the cover and flirting with Tony inside!!! naughty!

  9. Yeah, she could've worn her old X-men jacket (the ones I've seen in Jim Lee years). I missed that look.

    Err, ok, not that it covers up everything, but it's a bit more casual than her ninja Hand suit.

  10. These pictures are very bad to look at. The drawing is soo bad.

  11. If Jim Lee were given the opportunity to "reimagine" Psylocke's outfit, I wonder what he would be able to devise? Hmmm....

  12. my dream would be if they got Lee to reinvent a new era for the X-Men...I love the guy...all he´s costumes for the X-Men became iconic...and he still draws my favorite Betsy!

  13. Anonymous :40 PM, I was just telling a friend on Friday that I'd love for Lee to reinvent the X-Men now. As Claremont has seemingly gone mad, who would you choose to be his writer? The major issue with comics these days is that I think they need to be way more adult and less trite!

  14. Looks like Fraction brought in Namor and Kitty to give Emma something to do.
