Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Unused Uncanny X-Men Cover

According to the owner of the art, this is a unused cover for Uncanny X-Men drawn by Greg Land , and featuring the one and only Psylocke. :]


  1. Her hips look weird but other than that it's better than the one they used.

  2. HOT. Except for the unnatural small hips!

  3. Land's Psylocke is fugly as usual. I seriously cannot stand his always awkward renditions.

  4. I wonder was it from that whole sisterhood arc?

  5. thanks for uploading its interesting to see but personally i really dont like Lands Psylocke, The hair is like a big bush, not sleek or cool he cant even get the hair parting right, Her figure is always off with manly shoulders and tiny hips, he permenantly has her popping psy knives when shes not actually using them like theyre glow sticks, she never looks Japanese which is a flaw most artists have with her but to top it off we have to put up with those awful porn star traced faces, obvioulsy he just doesnt have any aisan porn.

  6. This was likely a cover idea for #509. Even if it is better than the one they used I have to agree with Anonymous. Land does not know (or doesn't care to know) how to draw Psylocke. Is it really that difficult to find some images of asian women to trace from?

  7. This looks exactly like Kylie Minogue. Anyone have a "before" shot of the image Land traced from of this one? It would be nice to see & add to the plethora of others. Land is crap.

  8. i like land's hair. she looks fucking stupid with that mullet 1990s slicked back hair people make her wear. like an uberdyke.

  9. anon @ 9:41, u obviously have no clue what a mullet is, and speaking of "uberdyke" why does land draw her body like a teenaged hockey player? also, re: bad hair, why does betsy have bon jovi's haircut from the 80s? i didn't know psylocke's name was Mike and she played defense on my little brother's hockey team. furthermore, land's betsy, how much does your plastic surgeon charge you for those collagen injections and implants? do you have to massage them once a day to prevent them from drying out and hardening into tennis balls, and let's be honest, how well can you really suck with those things? by the way, we look like we have the same waistline, i have a pair of dockers khakis that would fit you just fine. everybody wants you to cover up - let's make chinos part of your new costume, hmm?

  10. Uh, so who exactly is the guy in this picture?

  11. The sky is blue. The grass is green. Land traces.
    & the person who mentioned khaki's. mwa hahaha Love it. hahaha

  12. K: mwa right back atcha

  13. no one else guessed this is blantly porn traced, like usual? evidence: nipple

  14. it's obviously not completely traced from one source. that's why it's awkward - it's a patchwork where the "pieces" don't fit very well together.

  15. Thats traced off of an old promo pic of Ashley Scott as the Huntress from the Birds of Prey tv show. Land has used it before for Psylocke for the Uncanny X-Men 509 cover as well as for Rogue on a New Exiles cover.

    Ashley Scott as Huntress

    Ashley Scott as Rogue

    Ashley Scott as Psylocke
