Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Carey Forges "X-Men Legacy"

CBR News spoke with Carey about his work on "Second Coming" as well as his plans for "X-Men Legacy" once the crossover wraps.

X-Men Legacy #236 Preview

By the time "Second Coming" reaches its conclusion, Carey will have written several more characters that he doesn't normally tackle. "I got my hands on X-Force, which was very cool. I got some Psylocke moments, and I always love writing her. I'm also going to write some more stuff with Cypher later on in the storyline," Carey stated. "Basically, the cast gets so shaken up in the third act, particularly; everybody is on stage at the same time. It's insane."


  1. What does this mean??

  2. That he will write Psylocke during his SC chapters.

  3. Ah ok. So not confirmation yet that she is in X-Force or not.
    Very cool though that he goes & mentions her of all the characters. Yay for Psylocke!!!
    I hpoe she gets written to use her TK katana or something. Her running around with real ones just is kind of silly. Sure Wolverine has claws & all, but she can create a TK one that can't be turned on herself by a crafty opponent. Why would she wield a metal one instead of her TK one?
    I was glad to see her use her TK to shield herself & x23 against bullets & then float her away. I like that she's being written to actually use her powers, instead of just being "the ninja of the team".

  4. I think by X-Force he just means the Alpha Squad. Carey writes a great Psylocke I'm really excited. Probably some nice moments between Betsy and Logan over losing their friend or something like that. I hope it's nothing with Warren though, I never really liked that relationship.

  5. Carey certainly has a talent for writing Psylocke. In Carey's hand, Psylocke has much more dimension as a character, that's for sure.

  6. Carey does love Psylocke, doesn't he? I mean, she was one of the only characters that he mentioned by name in this interview... I wish she was available for him to use in his pre-Messiah CompleX run in the X-Men title (before it became X-Men Legacy).

    Land's art keeps being quite irregular. The Bastion page is great, the X-Men page is meh, and the Avengers page is terrible...

    But it made me notice something: why is Betsy's outfit changing from story to story? I mean, some parts of Second Coming (Uncanny, X-Force) show her bathing suit covering her whole torso, while other parts (the Ch.1 one-shot, Legacy) show her back (from shoulders to the waistline) uncovered. Not really a problem, just something curious to notice...

  7. Emma looks like she's going to knock out the Sisterhood again.
