Friday, April 23, 2010

X-Men: Pixie Strikes Back #3 Spoilers & Art

Spoilers: Emma, Psylocke, Nightcrawler, Rockslide and Anole are still looking for Pixie and her missing friends. Pixie's mom and the Mastermind Sisters are also looking for her. In the end, the two groups face each other.


  1. the art SUCKS in this scan.
    i am finally going to submit art to marvel, if this is what is being paid to amateurs.

  2. You're probably think that "art" has to be realistic. It doesn't. And I love it.

  3. This art is really pretty good. Totally appropriate to the whimsical nature of the Pixie character.

  4. Anole's dick looks huge

  5. Wait... because someone doesn't approve of the art, it automatically means they think it's not realistic enough? That's a leap. I don't happen to like the art either because it looks so amateurish, like something I'd find by a HS student on a site like Deviant Art... not like something I'd spend my money on, which I didn't (but not because of aesthetics alone). :P

  6. It doesn't look amateurish. It's genius. Those who understand the concept of "art" will appreciate it. You can always get your Jim Lee.

  7. If you like it, that's fine, but don't throw around haughty comments like "if you understand the concept of art, you'll appreciate it." It's completely a taste thing, and "appreciation" and "liking" are two completely different concepts that are not mutually exclusive in any way, shape, or form.

  8. I have to say I find Pichelli (I think I spelled that right) much improved since her stint on Runaways. I actually enjoy this art a lot and would consider picking up this book for it...except I think Immomen's ridiculously confusing in her dialogue and plot.

  9. Yea, the story is quite confusing. I can't even understand what this is all about.

  10. Psylocke, Nightcrawler and White Queen working together... AWESOME!! These three should hang out together more often (too bad Kurt will die this week). And it's nice to see Emma getting along (as much as possible) with another X-Woman for a change.

    But why are the Mastermind sisters alligning themselves with Pixie's mom? In fact, why are the Mastermind sisters alligning themselves with each other? I thought they hated each other... and hanging out with Pixie's weird mom shouldn't be exactly helpful...

  11. the art is amazing, though I liked it better in the first issue... it`s far away from being amateur.
