Writer: Matt Fraction
Pencils: Terry Dodson
Inks: Rachel Dodson
Colored by: Justin Ponsor
Lettered by: VC's Joe Caramagna
Variant Cover by: David Finch
The Story: SECOND COMING, Chapter 2
The race to find Cable and Hope is on, but who will get to them first? Will it be Cyclops and the X-Men or Bastion and his mutant-hating cabal? Cyclops isn’t waiting for the answer to that as takes the fight directly to Bastion with the New Mutants!
In Stores: April 7, 2010
Finally, Nightcrawler's gotten interesting again. It's a shame that he might be the one who dies, tho. I hope not, because I want to see how this is gonna play out.
ReplyDeleteIf the mini is to be followed it's safe to say Psylocke has no qualms about killing, especially if necessary.
I really dont see how any x-men could disagree with X-force its not like they were out there killing baby seals. All the old members of the x-men have killed when necassary.
ReplyDeleteI have been a critic of this writers stuff, but the writing in this issue looks really good. The tension is high and I am actually interested in what comes next.
ReplyDeleteLets hope it stays this way for good.
Good news, everyone: Marvel released today a new Second Coming teaser, showing the candidates to be the one killed in this month's X-Force issue: http://www.comicbookresources.com/?page=article&id=25592
ReplyDeleteDid you guys notice who ISN'T in the picture? That's right, PSYLOCKE!! Rejubilate, our girl will survive (at least in the month of April)!
well, she is not in the groupshot staring the body... she could be the one covered with the cloth..
ReplyDeleteSo, Let's analyze the candidates:
ReplyDelete-Colossus. He`s been dead for a long while in the last decade. He has the attention of at least one the of the current writers ( Matt ). His death would be really pointless, so no way.
-If Magik. barely returned. so no. - If Magma: well, killing a new mutant with almost zero fan base would be a ridiculous teaser from Marvel, that would not even influence the upcoming stories. I guess even Marvel knows that, and they must care about their credibility, so #not.....
-Iceman. I guess no writter cares about him nowadays. It would be a shocking death, meaningful, that would not alter the course of storylines and even sales...it`s a maybe.
-Angel. one of the few remnants of X-force. would also be a meaningful death. But, Yost, Kyle and Fraction seems to care to much about him. Can be.
-Emma. From all of those, her death would be the most shocking, violent and insane. Why would Marvel kills their x-money cow? To open room for the comeback of another one..#*coff coff>Jean Grey> spoiled to come back soon.
-Nightcrawler. We've been seeing a lot of violence in the x-men lately. He is the one who does not fill the blood spilling from the current strorylines. It`s a cheap excuse, but at least would be a meaningful death. I would miss him so much. But for me, he is the one strongest candidates to bite the dust.
-Cable. Alongside Cyclops and Hope, he was the main character of all this storyline. Metaphorically he gave his life to raise Hope and literally dying for her would be equally noble. He doesn't carry his own title anymore, he is not as popular as he once were. I'd say he is also a strong candidate.
Emma is seen (along with Betsy) in the X-Solicits for June 2010 (variant cover for UXM 525).
ReplyDeleteIceman and Cable have been seen to be alive after Hope is taken to Utopia.
nightcrawler in not seen anymore, right?
ReplyDeleteOh yeah....
ReplyDeleteIceman is on the UXM 525 cover too....
And yes Kurt and Warren have not been seen...
"well, she is not in the groupshot staring the body... she could be the one covered with the cloth.."
ReplyDeleteNo, the teaser is very clear: the dead person will be one of the people represented in front of the covered corpse. That means: Colossus, Magik/Magma (no idea of which of them is in the picture), Iceman, Angel, Nightcrawler, White Queen or Cable. Nightcrawler being so far the most likely candidate, but after that preview page with Bastion having metal wings, there's a small chance that Warren is the one dying.
Anyway, Betsy is safe for the month of April (now let's hope she won't die later, during the Nimrods invasion in Utopia...).
Are you guys kidding? Psylocke is not a candidate. You don't go through all the trouble of the Sisterhood arc and the miniseries to kill her off. LOL. That would be a hilarious and stupid mistake if they were to do that. Hehehe.
ReplyDeleteAlso, judging by the sheet, it can't be her. The person under the sheet is flat-chested. Psylocke never had that problem, teehee.
Oh, and Cable's death would be the most poignant given his central role to the storyline. I don't think it's a coincidence that the death takes place in an X-Force issue - that is also fitting, considering how central he was to establishing X-Force. It could also be a potential catalyst for Hope's emotions, setting the stage for the big question mark that is her becoming the savior or downfall of mutantkind. Remember in a recent issue when the Phoenix force abruptly left the Cuckoos? Well did anybody else think that was because it sensed Hope's presence and thought they wanted to upgrade to a more upscale home? Or was that obvious?
ReplyDeleteIf it is Cable, would that be so serious? They could have him pop back from another time line in a pinch if the wanted him back
ReplyDeleteCable's sexy i kinda hope its not him. Even though yeah its looking a bit grim for him. They need to think a bit more before they just kill characters for shock effect, especially ones that have a really long history in the x-men.
ReplyDeleteIf Marvel were grown up they would consider killing off Wolverine and developing characters like Angel,Iceman, Nightcrawler or Collosus. Its kind of self cannibalizing that they over expose their one cash cow and leave many of the other long standing x-men completley in the dark. I know they never will.
It's not Cable. Remember the June solicits, they say that in June, Cable, Cypher and the X-Force will travel to the DOFP future (a.k.a. Rachel's timeline). Cable can't be sent in a mission in June if he dies in April, can he?
ReplyDeleteHe may die by the end of Second Coming, though. But the one who dies this month is most likely Nightcrawler, with a very small chance that Angel/Archangel is the one who dies instead. Emma Frost and Iceman are definitely not dying, and Magma and Colossus are both very unlikely to die (at least for now).
Why would they throw Magma in the mix, was it ever revealed why she was specifically targeted in Necrosha? Maybe its connected in some way?