Wednesday, March 31, 2010

X-Men: Second Coming #1 Spoilers

Spoilers: Hope and Cable return to the present, only to find The Xavier Institute in ruins. In Utopia, Cyclops states that with Selene's attack, only 181 mutants are left on the planet. Mutantkind can't bear any more deaths. The Cuckoos warn Scott that Cerebra picked a new mutant signature: Cable. Cyclops is sure that Hope is with him. He sends Vanisher and Domino to San Franciso to wait for orders. He tells Rogue and Namor to stay and cover Utopia in case of attack. He puts the New Mutants in a holding pattern over the midwest aboard the Blackbird. And finally, he assembles his Alpha Roster [ Wolverine, Nightcrawler, Colossus, Psylocke, X-23 and Angel ] and have Magik join them. Meanwhile, The Right soldiers attack Cable and Hope, without success. The Sapien League arrive at the scene and start chasing Cable and Hope. Cyclops and his Alpha Roster teleport to Winchester, but everyone is already gone. Scott emphasizes that nothing and no one is more important than Hope, and orders the X-Men to find her and bring her back to Utopia. Magik teleports the Alpha Roster right above the Sapien League's vans. The X-Men manage to beat them, and Wolverine asks one of them how are they tracking Cable and Hope. X-23 kills another one of them in cold blood to force the other to speak. Nightcrawler is outraged by Laura's killing. Psylocke is upset as she realizes Wolverine, X-23 and Angel are keeping something from the rest of them (During the story, the X-Force members imply they already know who are all those villains. Betsy, Kurt and Peter keep asking who are they, but the X-Forcers don't give them an answer.) Nightcrawler accuses Wolverine and Cyclops of knowing what this is all about. In Washington, Bastion gathers his human council and orders Stryker, Bolivar Trask, Steven Lang, Cameron Hodge and Graydon Creed to kill the girl.


  1. Hopefully Psylocke won't mind X-Force and Cyclops' decisions when she finds out. That would be out of character.

    A good read that was!


    It seems the only current remaining members of X-force are now Wolverine, Angel, Vanisher and Domino judging by the end of X-force 25. im really not sure if i want Psylocke joining X-force or not...

    Sage should be brought back for X-force though definitley.

  3. Just read it X-men is awesome!!! lovin the alpha team, argh i wanna read it all now. The bit about Rogue telliing Namor hes so big and powerful was hilarious.
