Saturday, March 20, 2010

X-Men: The Days of Second Coming // Part 14 and 15

Source: IGN
17. Cable

The Road to Second Coming: Where Hope goes, Cable will follow. However, the last thing Cable is ready to do is put Hope in more danger. When he learns of the threat Bastion's forces pose, Cable will do whatever it takes to protect his daughter, even if that goes against the wishes of his father and the rest of the X-Men.

Zeb Wells: "Cable has lived almost two decades with one goal echoing in his mind: Protect the girl. His return with Hope signals the end to his time as her sole protector, but that doesn't mean he's just going to hand her over to the X-Men. In spite of himself, he's become a father to Hope."

18. Hope

The Road to Second Coming: Hope wants to return to the present and see the X-Men again. After all, they were the closest thing she ever had to friends. But a simple decision for Hope is about to lead to disastrous consequences for all of mutantkind. Hope will be forced to embrace her destiny and become either mutant messiah or doom to a species.

Chris Yost: "Every single mutant that looks at her expects so much from her. While Cyclops and Cable have carried a great burden, it's nothing compared to what she's about to face. Whether can or not, Hope is the one that everyone expects to save them all. That's a lot for anyone, much less a teenager."

Uncanny X-Men #523 Preview


  1. it could be a mix up in coloring, but i see different betsy colors =D

  2. I realy hate when they dont colour her hair purple....but other than that it looks amazing!!!!!Teh art, the dynamics, the differents it!

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. logan, besty, warren, kurt, peter and laura.... I so love this team... hope they stick together...

    btw, it seems that betts, kurt, peter and illyana are objecting x-force unrestrained killing...

  5. I'm glad Betsy is in this one. I'm looking forward to this issue. I've always liked that Betsy and Emma were on the same team.

  6. i have a feeling it will probably divide the team in two groups after nightcrawler dies. one living in nyc one in san fran. psylocke, colossus, beast and the "good" x-men on one team, and wolverine, x23, and angel on the other. cyclops will be blamed appropriately.

  7. A division makes sense, but I'm not sure about the two teams being split exactly that way. If you put Wolverine, X23, and Angel on a separate X-Men team, that book will be redundant with X-Force. Maybe some will switch sides?

  8. "I realy hate when they dont colour her hair purple..."

    But her hair is colored purple in these panels. It's a very dark shade of purple, but we can see some purple lights in it (except in the first panel, but her clothes are dark in it too, so I guess it's just a dark effect in her).

    These panels have finally made me accept that Nightcrawler will die. And while I'm relieved that it means Betsy will most likely survive the events from Second Coming, it really sucks that one of the most charismatic X-Man ever, plus Betsy's best male friend, will die...

  9. Really? I think Nightcrawler is one of the most boring X-Men characters ever. Alongside with Colossus. The only interesting thing about him is his mother. Even Mystique doesn't care about him. I won't miss him at all. Good riddance.

  10. Sorry but I have to agree the only time Nightcrawler ever impressed me was in the movie and that doesnt really count. Most X-men males pale in comparison to the females though, look at all the generations of X-men. Even in the junior members there is a ton of badass girls and hardly any cool guys.

    Hair and costume look brown to me.

    Betsy seems to jump between best friends a lot, Wolverine, Rachel, X-23, Nightcrawler, Beast, Storm and now Dazzler. Really dont remember Betsy and Dazzler ever being very close during australia...

  11. Yeah, Kurt is really dull and boring. His death won't affect me...

  12. Betsy's best male friend is Wolverine. Nightcrawler can suck it. XD

  13. Nightcrawler is awesome character! I miss him in excalibur and that team. he is now boring becouse there is alot of characters in uncanny right now. I´m tired of the "one will die" thing. I love nightcrawler but if he gona die i hope he die for good. couse i dont konw if is only me, but i waiting so long for jean to return! and she have the phonix thing so its a good excuse. but every time that a new saga apears in x men some one dies. I was so happy couse Betsy was in Xtreme team once and bang... theres other ways to do a good plot. I´m just saying

  14. Nightcrawler has always been boring and dull. It's not just now. He has never done anything exciting...

  15. About the hair, I am glad that this is how they colored Psylocke's hair now. I don't want her to have a hair color that easily stands out; I mean, she won't make a good psychic ninja if she can't camouflage herself much with a bright/light purple hair color yknow? I like it when it's around the shade of almost jet black, but with a subtle touch of purple, enough for her to be recognized as Psylocke.

  16. yeah but in the firts panel it really doesn´t look purple!
    U guys are sure nightcrawler is the one dying? based on what? not that I care for him....just curious.
    How would guys like the x-men to be divided?

  17. something like this could work for me:

    Emma Frost
    Cloack and Dagger

    Professor X
    Kitty Pryde

  18. Are you all serious? Nightcrawler is boring? The guy is the perfect symbol of the life of an X-Man! Unlike most of his teammates, Kurt can't even walk in the streets without people noticing he's a mutant; he suffered a lot of hate, prejudice and humiliation because of his devil-like appearance. Yet, he keeps his cheerful and kind personality, he keeps being commited to the team's ethic values and respect for life of other beings.

    I always admired Nightcrawler and Cyclops exactly because of their idealistic way of thinking, no matter how silly they might have looked because of that. Scott has lost my respect since he decided that mutants should kill the humans who threatened them before these humans even decided to do anything, and since he decided that the X-Men should no longer be a family, but an army; but Kurt has always kept his pure ideals and ethics. And now he'll die.

    With Beast out of the team and Xavier dishonored before his former students due to his unethical past deeds (turning Danger into a slave and hiding the death of Petra and Sway), I wonder who will take care of the X-Men' ethics now. Definitely not Cyclops, nor Magneto, Namor or Emma Frost. Kitty Pryde, maybe, but the girl is boring as hell...

  19. I dont think it will divide the X-men from Utopia it will just cause friction in that preview art coming up even Beast was back.

    As for Psylockes hair it has always been dark purple not a bright light shade.

  20. Yes. Nightcrawler is boring AND ugly. Hope he dies.

  21. As a fan of the X-men (and the metaphor for which they stand), I think it's kind of lame to pick on Nightcrawler because he's "ugly". Lay down your pitchfork and torch.

    He hasn't had much good characterization lately but in the past I've always found him to be a great character. He's always sort of been the faith of the X-men. Jovial, ridiculous, flirtatious and silver tongued but entirely steadfast in his belief in the cause and fierce in his defense of the dream.

  22. 2FSaker
    I know how you feel, I don't like many of Cyclops' moves either, but I wanted to explain how I see one of the most bold ones:
    Cyclops does NOT send people to kill humans who haven't even decided to do anything. In my book killing a bus full of children and then come later and try to finish the job is very proactive. So the Purifiers made the first, the second and the third move before Cyclops decided it was quite enough. The same with the Leaper Queen. She BLEW mutants up on the street killing hundreds of bystanders just to make bad PR for mutants. Or Mystique - the first to be advised to kill. She became a member of the X-Men because they pitied her. And they respected her and were very patient (sorry if they never made her feel all warm and fussy) And she betrayed them in the worst ways possible - after everything they gave her. And it was the hundredth time she attacked the X-Men so it was enough.
    The point of Cyclops is simple: He just doesn't have enough mutants for this idiots to indulge themselves killing. There are 200 mutants and if you wait until they are attacked again and again and not kill the %%%%% who kill them off - the species is really going to die out. For realz. There are people who will never ever stop and who will not be held in prison for long. So to hell with them. It's better to live without some romantic traditions of oh-so-not ever taking a living soul, than to be destroyed with you kids and dreams and everything intact. Besides - Cyclops's not planning of doing it forever - he will restore the Xavier's dream when it's save to do it. Now it isn't.

  23. And about Nightcrawler... I'm not sure how I feel about him dying... I mean yeah, everyone is right, he is kinda boring. But Fraction doesn't exactly make characters glow... We can't judge by the way he writes Kurt. But even before that Nightcrawler wasn't all that interesting to me. He is certainly very nice and kind, he's been through A LOT in his life and yet he still is a good man and a beloved friend of almost all the X-Men. But recently I felt like Cyclops or Emma might be dying (don't laugh, I love Emma and I am worried something will happen to her or her lover))) so if I had to decide I would pick Kurt. Plus - I don't want Cable to die - I know he will but I don't want him to, after reading his relationship with Hope... He's a good man, I want want WANT to forget how bad he was written by Liefeld and his idiotic X-Force and see past the pouches and ridiculous armor. I got the chance, thanks, writers.

  24. Good points, X-23. I know that Cyclops is doing what he thinks he needs to do, and probably his decisions are the ones that should be taken anyway. But that still displeases me.

    What really annoys me, though, is that Scott doesn't seem to have the slightest problem with these decisions, he seems to be quite comfortable with them, actually. I used to prefer him when he wasn't this cold-blooded dictator - I know he NEEDS to be a cold-blooded dictator, but it wouldn't hurt to show him having a little weight in his conscience because of his decisions.

    About Cable, I fully agree: he's in his best representation ever, and definitely miles away from Liefeld's lame "badass empty and badly-drawn hero" from the 90s! And don't worry, I think it is highly unlikely that Emma will die, she's too popular among the readers to justify such an editorial decision, and too unpopular among the X-Men for her death to mean anything to them...
