Saturday, February 20, 2010

Uncanny X-Men #521 Art


  1. The butterfly is making me giddy! Thats my favorite thing about these panels - but overall, it's all great!

  2. Damn, what's up with Betsy's mouth in the first page?? It looks gigantic! Is she a woman or a snake? Is she yelling or trying to eat a huge burger sandwich?

    And Logan beating up Bouncing Betty... that looks so wrong, so abusive, even though the story lets us know she's superstrong and probably isn't as hurt as she looks. Still, that's just offensive.

    On the other hand, I liked to see Colossus staring at Verre and then she realizes she should have taken off her gloves... What a stupid woman.

  3. The butterfly is amazing. But at least Betsy gets to kick some butt!

  4. well people...i like the drawing...and i dont want to say all the same thing again..but lets try to make betsy asian...her hair doesnt have that volume, she no jean grey, she has straight and "flying" hair...shes not using loreal spray
    about the problem of her fighting the asian guy i like it...he is not a z-list, he has super speed and now the weakest points of the human body...
    about logan and boucing betty...c´mon lets not put girls fighting with girls and boy fighting with boys...the thing of girls fighting is super sexy and strong(unlike in the reality) but the greatest fights of Psylocke were when she fight guys...and she rocks :D
    love the butterfly, love the telepathy(thats my psylocke) but common she has TK, and i heard that she is a TK and have a little of TP so why doesnt she use it anymore???
    i hope psylocke continues to being on the team and have regular "jobs" like in this one, and please not being another dazzler.
    we have to buy the comics so they understand that psylocke is making the difference...

    Great job CMX and luckystar
    and to the all the people that are committed to this blog and comment everyday


  5. I think Betsy is now primarily a Telepath. Fraction may be crap at characterisation, but at the very least he knows how to use Psylocke's powers properly.

    You have to give Land his dues, he draws Betsy beautifully, especially in the second page. And I love how they've resurrected the Butterfly and gave it a more modern, sleek version. The old butterfly was far too fussy.

  6. How does Fraction know how to use Betsy's powers properly?Any telepath can track down the presence of others,no matter how fast they are.

  7. Or invisible.

    And by the way,how could she even turn invisible in the first place;there was no sunlight present!

  8. Selene, I'm refering to the fact that Fraction is actually allowing her to use her powers, as opposed to being restricted to the Psychic Knife like the 90s.

  9. Please its Land, bouncing Betty (really have run out of codenames)is having the time of life.
