Friday, February 26, 2010

Second Coming Sneak Preview

A special preview of "X-Men: Second Coming" one-shot. Art by David Finch.
Credits to Kid Icarus from the CBR forums.


  1. Nice scan, thanks!

    Wow, Cyclops is personally joining the rescue group? I was expecting he would stay in Utopia giving orders to the X-teams. I don't like him nowadays, but he deserves some credit for joining the frontlines in battle.

    X-23 and Angel seem to be in their regular attires, so I guess their involvement with X-Force won't be discovered for now.

    As for Betsy... was it really necessary to draw her facing back again? She looks pretty, though. And at least Scott's hand is covering her ass...

  2. What a great team!

    FSaker, I think you pay too much attention to small details. lol xD

  3. Good luck Nightcrawler! I hope you don't get killed!

  4. @Anonymous - Heh, yeah, I guess you're right... we should just wait and see what happens in March/April; the speculations just make us more paranoid.

    @Adam - May the writers hear you! Kurt is one of the best X-Men EVER; even though his death would definitely be meaningful and have a huge impact on both the X-Men and the readers, I hope he survives. I'll only accept his death if the writers had to choose between him and Betsy; I love both, but Betsy has already spent too much time dead... she deserves to live now.

  5. I am jumping up and down at the fact that our woman Betsy appears to be the "field" telepath on the team (although she'll most likely get some kick-a$$ moments too).

  6. oh look Both Wolverines!
    They couldn't have crammed the other versions of Logan on there?
